Look at him, he loves it

May 20, 2004 22:32

Soo I was explaining to my dear old pops the concept of the word MOFO.

Websters Dictionary describes the word mofo as: a slang term for the phrase "Mother Fucker"

My dad, I dont get it what does it mean?
Me, well sound it out
My dad, Stuart I have no idea what it means you better tell me
Me, It means Mother Fucker!!!
My dad, it means muddah fucka? (yes muddah fucka not mother fucker)
Me, why are you saying it like that
my dad, Muddah Fucka Muddah Fucka (repeatedly each time his chuckle breaks out into tears streaming down his face inspite of his new found comedy for the phrase, "Muddah Fucka")
My dad, I am going to find a way to use Mofo or Muddah Fucka in my meeting tomorrow

Dad, on your journey you may encounter many obsticles and its easy to loose ones way. Find a whitty and clever way to clip the phrase into a normal english converstaion and you will complete your journey....
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