Jun 18, 2009 10:45
My students are in the their weekly studio session with the writing assistant, so I will take a moment to reflect on the events of this week surrounding my little sister's upcoming Saturday wedding.
What makes this family occasion so unique, I suppose, is that I spent a great deal of time in my teen years watching this little girl grow up. She is considerably younger than my older sister and me. I was twelve when she was born, and shortly after, when my mother went back to college, my older sister and I found ourselves in the frustrating position of having to take familial responsibility in looking after her.
At the time, this was annoying as I, in my adolescent selfishness, would obviously much rather have been out with my friends--doing stupid teenagerish things. But now, as I look back, I am genuinely thankful for the opportunity to develop such a close relationship with a sibling who, under different circumstances, might not have been of any significance to me due to our separation in age. As adults, (and truly it is difficulty for me to see her as such even now that she is twenty-four years old) we have a special bond that I attribute directly to the time we shared as she was growing up.
This is one of those moments, now, that I will forever remember. This is nearly like (and I say nearly, as my own children are still very young) watching one's own daughter be married. I really have to try hard to view her as a grown woman, not the little baby I was made to hold, babysit, take care of, and guide. I am so proud of her, and wish her and her fiance all the best.
If I were a crier, I would. I can't wait to see this girl start her own family. I look forward to this weekend as a milestone in the life of my little sister and my own as well.
Good luck, "Key." (a nick name)
let's put a smile on that face!