Jul 14, 2004 04:23
a while back I promised a friend that I would try to start a sort of "pass-it-on" story in which i'll write the beginning and hopefully someone else will take it from there... if not, it was a tenacious effort!
anyway... here goes:
So like, chech this out, ok? I was on my way back home, driving down the last long stretch before familiarity, out in the middle of B.F.E. right? I mean fuckin' nowhereville! I had just pulled over on this gods forsaken road to sleep a few hours, when this damned caravan of circus freaks drives by. I mean tractor-trailors pulling faris wheels, mirrors, all of it... the whole nine yards, ok? They get almost out of my sight, when the truck in the back stops... Now i'm thinkin to myself, you know... 1:30 in the fuckin' morning, I just want some damned sleep. Now the truck is turning around, and I'm really curious. I didn't even know the circus was gonna be in town. I lock my doors, and kindof duck down... as I watch this semi pull up with a freakin 50 foot ref. unit behind it right?
The truck stops and I slouch down a little farther, gripping my cell phone. As the driver door opens, a figure dressed in some kind of bio-hazzard suit steps out, and two equally clad associates come from the other side of the cab. As they approach my two-door "p.o.s" they pull out some wierd instruments and aim them at the car... lights flicker in their hands as they proceed to surround me... one of them bends down and waves is tool at the underneath of my car. Apparently satisfied, he motions to the other two, and they return to the truck... the two on the far side replace themselves in the cab of the truck, and the other reaches in the door and does something out of my sight... the side of the trailer begins to fold into a recess in it's top. Not much can be seen from my vantage point... but the feeling i get is unsettling!
The driver closes the door again and walks to the back. Another such figure hoists him up into the box as lights begin to slowly illuminate the interior...
NEXT... heh... that was sadly, quite entertaining! ^_^
I reccomend writing as you go... It makes for a more interesting plot, heh... anyway... anyone feel free to take up here... and if two ppl decide to add on at the same time... then the person after them i guess kindof gets to chose which peice to follow... hmm... kindof like a chose your own adventure, umm... or something!
k... see you guys later! ^_^ safe journey!