Feb 14, 2013 17:58
On February 1st, 2011, the Starving Steampunk Foundation made its debut on The Steampunk Empire (www.thesteampunkempire.com). The SSPF is a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Montana, USA, to provide grants to artists and inventors of the Retro-Futurist Genre. It is run by a volunteer board of seven people from England and the United States.
The Foundation's mission is to give artisans the chance to start or complete projects in the Genre when they may not have the capital to do so through modest grants. As is the case with many non-profit organizations, the Foundation is completely run on donations. All donations go directly toward the Foundation's modest operating costs and the grants we provide to artists.
The Foundation is currently striving to be able to give its first grant by the end of Quarter II, 2011. Artists are encouraged to apply for grants at any time, all applications will be considered but please read the application guidelines. Donors may make a donation to the Foundation's Paypal Account through our website, www.thestarvingsteampunkfoundation.org.
We would like to give a special thanks to Captain Robert and Abney Park for helping us get the word out.
The Starving Steampunk Foundation