Snow day hurray!

Mar 20, 2006 17:28

So, yeah. I don't care what everyone else thinks about it . . . I think its beautiful!

I have been waiting for some sense of winter being . . . well, WINTER, for months now. It finally came. Snow, beautiful snow, is everywhere! And its perfect snow, too. Perfect for sledding, for clinging to the trees all pretty, and perfect for snowballs! On top of that, its absolutely perfect outside: cold enough to not have the snow disappear just as its falling, but warm enough to not bite into your bones. Its ideal wandering around winter weather.

I want more of it! Can this last forever, please?

So, the schools got out today and the library closed at 5 due to the fear of "inclement" weather. I laugh! Gleefully.

Hooray for Snow Days!

In honor of this most wonderful of wonderful days, I demand you listen to Snow Fort by Forty Second Songs. Oh, the goodness!

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