Friends list factoids ... revisited

Jan 25, 2003 15:52

Only a month after I started my journal, a questionairre was going around about one's interaction with people on one's Friends list.
My initial post can be found HERE.

I thought it would be fun to redo the numbers, now that I've been to an event chock full o' LJ folx.
(Previous answers in parentheses)

Number of people on my lj friends list: (15) 78
...whom I've met in person: (1) 23
...whom I've met in person more than once: (1) 3
...whose house I've been to: (1) 1
...who have been to my house: (0) 0
...whose precise geographic location I know offhand: (1) (see note below)
...whose full names I know offhand: (1) 25
...whom I've followed/been in touch with for more than 3 years: (1) 2
...whom I've followed/been in touch with for more than 5 years: (1) 2
...who live outside my country: (2) 5
...whose journal I consider myself "addicted" to: (10) 27
...whom I've lived with: (0) 0
...whose ex I slept with: (1) 1
...who I'd do: (14) 58
...who I've done: (1) 9
...who are former coworkers: (0) 0

...who I've added since Fiesta: 5 (so far)

Note on "precise geographic location": this is subject to interpretation. I know the general metropolitan area of most of the guys on my list. Do I know the GPS coordinates to their domicile? No.

all about me, memes

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