
Jul 13, 2008 07:15

Alarm went off at 5:40 am. Showered, dressed, left the house at 6:20, leaving packed lunch behind in refrigerator. Got to work at 6:30 and immediately started the Day From Hell. Worked right through to 5:30, no lunch break. Got home to find Phil home, sitting on the front porch and the power out. We went to Renate's restaurant in Millbrook. Go home and the power was on.

I went to Head on the Door to see the 2 bands I saw there before. Took earplugs, wore them, and still came home with impaired hearing. But Music Hates You is an awesome band. Heavymetal-Punk. Lots of head banging and pogo-ing. I stayed afterwards just to talk to the guys in the band. Got home around 2, finally went to bed around 4:30 - was awake for 23 hours.

Saturday - I was up for about 4 hours in the afternoon, then went back to bed. Neck is terribly sore, probably from headbanging. Woke briefly around midnight and debated getting up, but decided to stick to my normal sleep hours, so just went back to bed.

Sunday - woke at 7:00 am. Neck still incredibly sore.

head on the door, humdrummery

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