Fun on the road

Jun 07, 2007 21:12

Tuesday I did not feel well at all, but couldn't stay home because of a mandatory training session at noon. So I stayed through the meeting, which included lunch. After the session was over lunch started disagreeing with me, toppling the precarious balance I had managed all morning. I went home. On the way, I was listening to the radio, as is my wont, and the local NPR station evidently has an ongoing noon-hour contest of "Guess the Movie". They play the movie theme and have people call in to win fabulous NPR merchandise.

The theme started, and I didn't recognize it. Something boomy and military-ish. Then the violins broke into the lilting romantic main theme. I could see Peter O'Toole approaching across the dunes. Yes, it was Lawrence of Arabia. I said outloud, "OK, the phone lines should be ablaze now."

The tune ended and the announcer said: "That was, of course, the theme from Lawrence of Arabia. Surprisingly, no one knew it."

No, I said to the radio, everyone knew it. Nobody wanted the crappy Car Talk T-shirt that you were giving away.

humdrummery, observations

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