Kitty update

Jun 25, 2006 00:53

Phil called the vet's office this morning and although our vet was in today, she was booked solid, AND had a sick cat to work in. Her next available appointment is Wednesday.

Phil asked me last night what I thought of "Pandora" as a name. It works for me. Although we're both hesitant to really call her ours right now, thinking (possibly hoping) that her former owners will inquire about her.

We didn't keep them separated last night. The gingham dog and the calico cat did not tear each other to bits. I woke up around 1:20 and went to the bathroom. Taz was in there, but got up and left when I came in. Before I could sit down to do my business, Pandora came prancing in and started rubbing up against my legs. I played with her a bit, did my business and came to the computer room. A few minutes later she came in and started exploring. She climbed in my lap, but was in explore mode, trying to stand on the keyboard and get up on the desk. After a couple hours she finally got tired and curled up on my tummy against my mousing arm. I was getting tired too, so I took her to bed with me and we napped together. It was a tad uncomfortable for me because I had to hold my arm at a funny angle for her to curl up in.

The boys are keeping their distance from her.

After the nap she was in super kitty mode, running around, climbing on things, jumping onto me. She knocked over a pile of books and papers that had been precariously balanced for months and Phil got irritated. About 30 minutes later and she knocked off another precarious pile of stuff. Phil was quite peeved, so I closed her up in the bathroom as a time out. Phil and I then went through the fallen stacks, throwing out the junk and keeping the rest. With her out of the way, the boys are walking around, checking out everything. They are quite on edge.

Back in January, I got one of those kitty fountain water bowls, but hadn't set it up yet. We assembled it tonight and set it out for the boys. Phil picked up Taz to show him the new bowl and Taz totally freaked out. He started kicking and hissing, and when Phil tried to set him down at the bowl, Taz was pushing off the ground to stay away from it. He ran away and his tail was puffed out to twice it's diameter. We brought Komori to the dish and he sat at it for a good 10 or 15 minutes drinking. Taz cautiously explored it, keeping his body as far away as possible while still getting his nose close enough to check it out. Very amusing, but I'm worried we'll have to find some Claude Cat nerve tonic for the poor thing.


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