
Jul 08, 2005 00:00

Great play. A military hero is forced into being a politician, but he can't go from the certainty of miltary thinking to the sleazy way of politics. Damn, that summary sucks. Go look up a synopsis elsewhere.

The designers placed this play in 1920s Italy, a military, fascist state. Men in tailored uniforms and riding boots. I was having a fetishist's wet dream. It was chilling see the politicians manipulate the common people to see the world as they wanted (c.f. sheep voting for Bush)

This play has one of the most powerful females in Shakespeare. Coriolanus' mother is a powerhouse.

The actor who played the lead lived in the house next door to us for a few years. I've never seen him act before. WOW! He's incredible. No wonder he's head of the graduate acting program at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival.


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