Last post for a week.

Jan 15, 2004 02:41

So I'm finally all packed for Fiesta.

Two or three years ago, I bought a 20" long duffle that I thought I could use as carry on to avoid checking my bags. Well, by the time it's packed, it's longer than 20" and wouldn't fit under the seat in front of me. So the return flight I checked it. I used this bag last year at fiesta. But when I started packing it tonight, it just wasn't big enough. The other night at Wal-Mart I saw a nice 24" rolling suitcase and 20" rolling carry-on combo for a reasonable price, so I went back tonight and bought it, along with a few last minute things. The nice thing about this suitcase is that it's expandable to another inch or two of depth. You know how on your return trip, things just don't fit as nicely into the suitcase as when you left, even if you have the same amount of stuff? I figure if that happens to me (it did last year), all I have to do is unzip the expansion section.

When I got home from work this evening, the older cat insisted on attention. He hopped into my lap, and did his gravity trick where he presses into a vertical surface with as much pressure as if gravity were pulling him in. I was reading mail and LJ while he was laying along my arm. He refused to move off my lap; he just kept adjusting to my position changes. It's like he knew I was going away. And I hadn't even started packing yet. Phil said that this afternoon, Abu was circling my chair and meowing, then slept in the chair for several hours. Abu is about 10 years old now, and he's been sneezing a lot the past few days. We're sort of worried that something may be wrong.

It's 2:40 am, and I need to get my butt in bed. I get to sleep in a little, but need to leave the house by 11:00.


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