To: The Haters & The Lurkers

Jan 24, 2007 10:44

For whatever reason, you all think I'm this huge bitch "with a bad attitude."

Its probably true, if I do not like you. I'm not the type of person to just be nice to you just because. If I don't like you, I'll make sure to tell you. This is the internet and I'm not afraid of you. I won't be a pussy and do it anonymous, I will be logged in (unlike some of you).

......or at least lurks my shit, what really makes me a "know-it-all bitch?" LOL its not the fact that this person called me that b/c I can understand where they are coming from. I mean I'm sorry if I don't spend all my e-time on slash/rping/e-drama gossip. I'm sorry if not everything I type on here isn't related to the flavor-of-the-week band's fandom. If writing about real shit that matter, giving my e-friends advice, cussing you the fuck out b/c you're a dumb broad, etc makes me a know-it-all then alright, I'll accept that term. A lot of my f-list is considerably younger than I am and I like to give them advice because I've been there. I wouldn't snap on anyone for no reason so if I have been a bitch to you 9 times out of 10 you deserved to be put in your place because you do not run shit. Just have the fucking balls to either disagree with what I say, stand up to me whatever. I would respect you SO MUCH more if you did that, I don't care if you agree with me or not. I actually respect the people online who actually have a brain and think for themselves, not follow whoever is the most popular, elite person on lj this week. I'm very opinionated, if you've been on this list you've probably noticed by now. If you cannot handle someone possibly debating with you on something, then STFU and think before you type.

And again if you can't handle it GET THE FUCK OFF MY FRIENDS LIST.

And for the lurkers who aren't assholes, I don't have a problem with you lurking. Why you want to lurk me of all people, I will never know. I'm not e-famous, I don't know any famous people, and I'm not even very interesting.

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