After writing a book you find that your need to write in blogs and other such devices is diminished greatly. But now a few months out of May I can feel my want returning and I’m ready to start writing again once more.
This morning on my way in I was trying to read a book but I kept feeling my mind wonder onto things that I really wanted to say and things that have been on my mind over the last while.
Bullet list of major things that have come up in my life:
• I started getting back into music
• My father has cancer
• I’ll be 32 on Friday (Today)
• I’m working on ramping up for my second story
• I’ve started looking at houses
That seems like enough to keep me busy for about 20 minutes or so.
First off, Brian, Theresa and I have all watched the Anime K On! and in doing so have gotten the bug where we want to grab guitars and keyboards and pretend that we can play them! Brian and Theresa got themselves into a pair of guitars and have taken to some beginners books to learn with. I in turn went out and bought a used bass that cost more than both of their setups put together. I used to play bass back when I was like… twelve till about 18 I never learned formally how to play, my uncle taught me how, but he was a guitarist and so not everything he showed me really works.
So this summer I’ve started learning from the ground up how to play again. It’s been a little humbling, but I’ve started to feel that these new methods have caught on, I even saw them help with some of the harder levels of Rock band. (I beat all the Police tracks on hard :3 ) It’s just nice to have a bass to play on in the house again. I was looking through the basement and I dug up my Roland keyboard. I have to get me a drum set and I’ll be able to make a little studio.
So Cancer, this would be the second time that I’ve already had to deal with Cancer. I don’t know that I’d call Brian’s case fatal, but it’s something that he will have to watch for the rest of his life. Even then it’s something that has to be scary to go through. In my father’s case it’s a lot more aggressive and there seems to be a lot of question still about just how devastating it’s already been to his body.
The Urologist and the Pathologist don’t agree at all. Pathologist says that the cancer hasn’t passed beyond the bladder wall and that it should be treatable without having to remove said bladder. On the other side of the coin is the Urologist that says “I removed a tumor the size of a orange out of his bladder the first time and after going in there the second time I don’t see how it couldn’t have passed beyond the wall, it’s going to have to come out.”
So goes to see some doctor in Seattle about getting it removed. So exactly where my father’s health is right now is up in the air.
I’ll try to give you more as I know it.
So Friday I turn 32, I remember back when I was 15 and thinking how old would I be when 2010 came, I did the math and it turned out be 32. Back then it seemed like a really, really, really, reallllly long way off. Time makes fools of us all! :)
Thanks for all the well wishes today.
With my first story in the middle (closer to the start) of is rewrite and clean up, I’ve started work on background work for the second book that will be written in November. This one will be done during the NaMoWriMo push that happens every year. You can find details at I also encourage you to all sign up and try it out! Most of you at least don’t have the challenge of having two write two full novels in one year! But it would be fun to write alongside a few of my friends. Someone that I truly feel should write with me would be Chris Burlingame. That’s a story I’d have to read.
Lastly, it’s time, we need a bigger house. We have been looking around, but I still think we are about 6 months out from doing it. I plan to stay in the Milton area, and I’ve liked some of the houses that I’ve looked at.