The Return of The King

Jun 14, 2006 02:10

I haven't actually wrote about anything sincere in a long time. I figured I might as well because honestly no one reads my live jounral anymore. It seems like life changes every single day and you feel different about shit. The truth of my life is I spent a long time figuring out who I was and what I wanted to be. I came to understand several things about myself and life over the past couple of years.

Number One, Life is different for everybody. For instance a kid in Northvilles definition of the white lifestyle is different than someone in Redford. Basically, my point is this everyone has a different definition of being white and non ghetto. So what I learned is that what the fuck does it really matter? Seriously, I have incorporated much of what I've learned into me. But the truth is it doesn't actually matter. I have learned to hate most wiggers I meet unless they prove socially acceptable. I hated myself yes.

Number Two, What does this mean about me? I have determined that as long as I do not dress trashy, and put off vibes of trash. I will be alright, so basically I will treat mother fuckers with respect. But if someone steps out of line I will switch outside to a mean motherfucker. Making fun of someone is pointless, so I'll just be ready for the battle. My ultimated goal now is to just survive and make myself better than anyone I determine to be trash.

Number Three, The Music of Kelly Clarkson i sweet. I have also started to enjoy some rock music. My Chemical romance is not that gay.

Number Four, Myspace is badass for talking to bitches. 5 outta 25 hitting back works. I also have determined 18-19 year old girls are my best target audience.

Number Five, I don't know what I want to do again. Business is working well but I don't wnat to be stuck making only 30-40 grand a year. I want something more, so I think maybe culinary arts or broadcasting would be an adquete major for me.

Number six, the most important thing I have ever learned. DONT EVER CHANGE FOR NO BODY! I have determined that if you change any aspect of your life for someone you are an idiot. Unless its like doing drugs or doing something negative or harmful to others. If someone tells you not to talk to your friends anymore they are an idiot and not worth talkin to. If someone takes shit out of context and threatens you, boss up. talk more shit back and make them feel stupid.

Life is short and the only things that matter really are money and your friends. Respect is something you earn, a wise man once said it is better to be feared than loved. Well, unless your a mafia man its better to be loved than feared. You might as well make sure to have positive connections with people.

I haven't hung out with my old friends from southfield in like 6-7 months. Before that it was 6-7 months. My point is this, I can go back there and still be loved and they have my back. Every bad mother fucker out there has my back. Don't change the way you act towards your old close friends because of someone new in your life. No new friendships or relationships are worth losing your old friends.

FInally, one thing I have always known. Self confidence is the key to life. Without it you are too pussy to talk to girls or to get to meet people. Trust in god and believe your self and you can achieve great things. These are my core values in life, if my life ended today these were the values I held true.
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