A Yuletide Apology

Dec 24, 2009 11:19

Since it is Christmas (even though I don't celebrate it), I will come out and apologize now and publicly to all the Hillary supporters out there. I will admit that you were right - Obama is a stuffed suit with a gift for gab, but when it comes down to it, he comes up short. This latest debacle over health care is just one of the latest. So far we have no meaningful financial reform, the plan to help struggling homeowners has helped almost nobody and now we have the latest health "reform" bill that is a giant blowjob to the insurance industry. If this is change we can believe in, I'm a political atheist. So yes Hillary supporters, you were right. Obama is the biggest disappointment since the Edsel. With any luck, he'll be a one-term President like Jimmy Carter. Mind you, I'm not sure Hillary would have fared much better - our political system where a single Senator representing <1% of the population can hold legislation hostage is certainly broken - but she would have certainly tried harder and done more than simply make impassioned speeches. Perhaps Obama should have waited until he received more on-the-job training and the training wheels came off.

As for the alternative, McCain certainly would have been worse. At least Obama will make some strides and keep us at the status quo and not make things worse. But given that Bush II was one of the worst Presidents ever, as housecat would look good by comparison. I don't think it's that Obama is such a great leader, but that he looks great coming from the darkest presidency in recent memory.

I'd like to be proven wrong, we'll see. As it stands, Obama is all talk and very little action. I don't see any real change. I don't see private corporations being challenged, but government rolling over for them as it always has. Granted, Obama only bears some of the blame here. Harry Reid needs to go (and given his polling in NV, he will). The Dems need to quit embracing moderates fleeing an ever more intolerant GOP (sorry Specter, time for you to retire as well) and actually start standing for something. In retrospect, I became disillusioned with Obama before the election. I'm glad I voted Green this last election. I hope more people will do the same next time around.


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