Another Quizzy

Jul 07, 2005 16:45

f a s h i o n
01. Where is your favorite place to shop: not too sure
02. Any tattoos or piercing: 6mm tunnel in each ear, and eyebrow ring

s p e c i f i c s
01. Do you do drugs?: no
02. What kind of shampoo do you use?: Pantene
03. What are you most scared of?: not meeting my own standards
04. Who is the last person that called you?: a lawyer
05. Where do you want to get married?: somewhere nice... :p
06. What would you change about yourself?: Hmmm.... difficult question, meh

f a v o r i t e s
01. Color: Grayscale and blues
02. Food: tasty things
03. Boys names: Rob, hehe
04. Girls names: Shina (because she's mine i tell you...)
05. Subjects in school: working out how to avoid classes, planning weekend madness
06. Animals: cats
07. Sports: Racing
08. Memory: having a wisdom tooth pulled last wednesday

h a v e y o u e v e r
01. Given anyone a bath?: an ex-girlfriend
02. Smoked?: i quit on monday
03. Bungee jumped?: on my To Do list
04. Made yourself throw up?: kinda
05. Drank? lots
06: Ever been in love?: meh, kinda... i think
07. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yes
08. Pictured your crush naked?: why picture when you can see?
09. Actually seen your crush naked?: yes
10. Cried when someone died?: yes
12. Fallen for your best friend?: no
13. Been rejected?: yes
14. Rejected someone?: hehe, yup
15. Used someone?: sadly...
16. Done something you regret?: occasionally

c u r r e n t
clothing: work pants, Nike shoes, Island Style t-shirt
music: Slipknot - Surfacing
make-up: no
annoyance: the stupidity of the new manager at Pizza Hut
smell: the steak & cheese pie i'm eating
desktop picture: GIR from Invader ZIM with the Doom Song written on a classroom board
book you're reading: was reading a Dilbert book... i should start again
in CD player: nothing, listening to mp3s
in DVD player: one of my mp3cds with queen of the damned, good charlotte, green day, and robert plant
color of your toe nails: normal, with a bit of black nail-polish here and there... i need to get round to removing it all

l a s t p e r s o n
you touched: Shina
hugged: Shina
you imed: Pearl (because she thought i had just copy/pasted this quiz
you yelled at: my ex-boss at Pizza Hut... stupid fucking bitch
you kissed: Shina

a r e y o u
understanding: yes
open-minded: fairly
arrogant: i try not to be, unless the other person is showing how stupid they are
interesting: sometimes
random: always
hungry: hence me eating a pie
smart: apparantly so
moody: not really
shy: quite
attractive: i've been told
messy: no
obsessed: sometimes

f o r o r a g a i n s t
long distance relationships: depends
suicide: no
killing people: the boondock saints should be real
teenage smoking: let the fuckers die
doing drugs: meh
driving drunk: against
soap operas: against, but i don't always have that option

h a v e y o u
ever cried over a girl: yes
ever cried over a boy: no
ever been in a fist fight: no
ever been arrested: almost

r a n d o m
in the morning i: don't want to get up
love: may be right around the corner
i dream about: really random shit... like conversations and stuff... it'll probably turn into deja vu. maybe i dream the future.

o p p o s i t e s e x
what do you notice first: hair/smile
last person you slow danced with: can't remember
worst question to ask: repetitive Why? answers
who makes you laugh the most?: hmmm, lot's of people do...
who makes you smile?: now that would be telling.... um.... ok fine, Shina
who do you have a crush on: my girlfriend

d o y o u e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: i have done that before
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: hmmmm.... i've thought about it, but probably wouldn't wish it upon myself... ooooh that's gonna come back and bite me... um... grrrr
wish you were younger: nope

wish you could live somewhere else? no, i'm quite happy with my parents leaving me the house... although it would be nice if it was longer
think about suicide? no
believe in online dating? nope
think others find you attractive? yes
want more piercings? hell yes
like cleaning? no, but i've done quite a bit this week
like roller coasters? yes, but i haven't been on one for ages

r a n d o m q u e s t i o n s
do you like fillings these out?: yes, even if there are better things to do
gold or silver: silver
what was the last film you saw at the movies?: Star Wars Episode 3
favorite cartoon/anime?: South Park/Invader Zim
what did you have for breakfast this morning?: chocolate
who would you love being locked in a room with?: Shina... although the room wouldn't need to be locked...
could you live without your computer?: i would barely survive
would you color your hair? yes
could you ever get off the computer?: yeah
habla espanol?: TACOS!!!!!!
how many people are on your buddy list?: 15
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