May 01, 2008 01:47
Holy shit, so I was listening to nick cave and felt a really cold draft. I knew this was bad news because my AC is broken and knew my door was wide open. Tyler was missing and I was flipping out. She's gotten out before but mostly just hung out on the porch and did little exploring, but it was 1:15am and I'm moving tomorrow - bad time for her to go missing. I start quietly calling her name around and no response. I started running around the entire complex searching for her. I went back in my house and left the door open a crack. I was too fucking nervous so I went back outside, and then inside, and then back out. I walked around the complex a few more times hoping to see her. I look at the stairs that lead to my upstairs neighbors apartment, and there she is. She sees me and starts meowing loudly, runs right up to me, and I swoop her away and bring her into my apartment. I then held her for 20 minutes and I've never heard her purr so loud.
THAT WAS THE GAYEST THING IVE EVER WRITTEN but I'll be damned if tyler doesnt love her daddy!!!