(no subject)

Mar 17, 2004 12:30

I've said before that if you dont like something you see on tv, dont watch it.. or change the channel.
I don't like reality tv. So instead of bitching about it, I'll simply change the channel, right?
Well what happens when changing the channel leaves you with more reality tv?

You might say "dont knock it till you try it".. well I've tried it, and I still dont like reality television.

It's no longer a simple matter of not watching. Now its a problem cause the big 4 carry at least one reality series. Most carry a lot more than one.. and when they arent airing new episodes they're showing repeats ALL THE BLOODY TIME.

The side affect to all this is stated below:

a) it takes away from quality programming. Shows that are great but either:
1) dont bring in the viewers
2) akin to #1, dont attract advertisers
3) cost too much to produce.

b) as if we dont already know humans are filth, and human nature is a very barbaric and animalistic thing, we need to see it spelled out for us week after week on shows like "what would you do for 1 million dollars" and "would you marry a cross-dressing millionaire who's actually a gay hairdresser for a million dollars" and "Forever stuck on an island named Eden (obviously not blasphemous ) with a bunch of hot guys and girls who will lie, cheat, steal and stab in the back anyone in their path for a million dollars" .. ad nauseam

Of course you might say "so dont watch tv and go out and have a life" to which I would reply, hey you're talking about me for one.. I dont like people, so interacting with them is detrimental to my well being as a shut-in and recluse.

Not like my bitching will make a lick of difference, this I know.. but its my journal so im gonna bitch about it.

Did I already mention the worlds going to hell?
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