Gimme the Goods

Feb 05, 2004 23:13

So, it's been a pretty productive week. This past weekend was pretty cool. Saturday Matt and I ended up going down to Pace cuz his dad made him when he found out he left his laptop down there on his desk. Yeah, long story... We stopped off at the Mohegan Diner on the way back up the Taconic for some grub. Matt got seafood bisque soup and I got a salad and chicken salad on whole wheat toast with lettuce and mayo, the usual. Matt loved his soup, and I ended up bringing home most of my salad. We get back to Potown and end up heading up to CVS to pick up a prescription, and we stop off at McDo for a snack while we wait for the drugs to be ready. Then we stop at Matt's Grandma's house and end up moving tables and stuff around for her. Head home and I end up going to B&N for a couple of hours, then head home and hang out online. Sunday was great once I got up to Albany for Andy's big SuperBowl party. I stopped on the way and picked up some chips and cookies. Andy and I hit up Price Chopper for some last minute items and then headed back to Empire to get ready for the party. We were thinking of getting a chicken parm pizza from Paesan's before the game but, once we saw all the food we had, we decided against it. P made about 4 batches of piggies in a blanket and there were also White Castle burgers and chips and cookies, so we filled up pretty quickly, and we had enough alcohol to put an army to sleep, so we were set. At first it was just Andy and me, with an occasional visit by P with his piggies in a blanket, and then Suz came in, and later on Nicole came up. Later on, Joy stopped by, and then Andy's friend Todd came by, and by then I was pretty full and drunk, and no one was watching the game besides maybe Andy. After the game, Joy and Suz hung around, and Todd too, then eventually they all left. By now it was 2 in the morning, and I had to go to bed to get up to go to New Paltz in the morning, but of course Jon had to have a chat, so I didn't go to bed until 4. Needless to say, I didn't go to my morning class, and ended up going to the Wolf Diner with Andy for some breakfast. We came back and I took a nap and then we went to Mr. Subb for lunch, then I headed to NP around 2:30. My night class ends up being pretty good, thanks to one student who insists on arguing with the professor the whole 3 hours. I stop off at Marist McDo (the one I worked at) for some grub, and see Antonio and his cohorts who are still working there, then head home and try desperately to finish my reading for my Tuesday class so I can write a journal on it, but end up reading maybe 5 pages out of 20 and write about a couple of things that I noticed and had questions about. I get up about 5:45 on Tuesday to get ready for my first day of observation in Ellenville. I hit the road around 6:20 and make it to Ellenville around 7:20, so I just sit around in the parking lot waiting and then head in around 7:40. I end up watching a Spanish class, an ESL class, a French class and the same Spanish class, and then head back to NewPaltz around 11:30. Stop at McDo for lunch and then head back over the mountains. Curriculum and Assessment goes pretty well, especially once we find out our teacher cancelled out night class, and then they announce that all classes after 5 are cancelled, but I end up checking email in the computer lab until around 4. Head outside and it's a mess out. It takes me a good hour to get back to Potown (usually takes under half an hour), the roads are so bad. Doesn't help my car doesn't weigh anything and takes forever to gain traction in the snow, even with new tires...So i finally get home and just hang out til I have to go to Comp 1 Wednesday morning...The roads are crappy on the way to class but, by the time I head home, they are pretty clear, just wet and dirty. I have to squirt my sprayers every couple of minutes to get the drying dirt from the road off of my windshield. I debate heading to B&N again, but end up just staying home surfing and making food every few hours. Watch South Park and Chappelle' Show, but then realize I have to write a paper for Curriculum for Thursday, but watch Conan anyway and then eventually fall asleep...Wake up around 11 and end up heading to NP around 2 to do the paper. There are absolutely no spots on campus, so I end up parking on the side streets again...then all the computer labs are full and the 3rd floor humanities lab is a linux lab, so i head to old main and do the paper there, then email it and leave a copy in prof. meyer's bin on his door...head back to humanities where i surf until Spanish class. class ends up being awesome as expected. I think this is my favorite class here so far, up there with Sabadell-Nieto's Cultures and Literature of Spain class last year at Albs. He has the same accent too, just a little more relaxed I guess. I'm learning so much in there, I am actually questioning what I learned at Albs. Head out and end up picking up a prescription for mom, then hit up Uno's for mango tea, wings and a salad. Bill comes to almost 15 bucks, so I know I won't be able to go there every night... Head home and here I am, watching Leno and typing my monthly journal entry. I'll send this off before I pass out on the keyboard.
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