May 20, 2003 19:06
It's been a most interesting 4 years and all in all I've enjoyed them all. So, last Tuesday was the big trip to B&N with Rowie. She tried to return some books but they insisted they don't carry the book i get me my mocha malt frapuccino and it rocks, then we go to PriceChopper on Western for food and cleaning supplies (damn i'm in an explicit mood tonight)...we head back to the empire and get some chinese food (rowie gets something i forget what and eye get the yummiest chickenwings and fries ever). then i head home and try to study but end up just going to bed and getting up early to study. end up not studying much at all for psych til work. work is dead so of course i get to study a lot but keep getting distracted (damn ADD) and then end up walking into the test having read maybe 3/4 of the notes (and i had read maybe 4 pages of the 4 or 5 chapters that were on the test...) i walk in there and sit behind (but 2 seats to the left) of freshman girl. i usually sit in front of her to the right so it was interesting, but she still looks up at me (especially when she left the test before me) and looks better than ever...i kick the living crap out of the test by some miracle and then head to the library to drop off the last of my books and head home. andy, rowie, lauren and i end up going to sutter's for an interesting wing night. rowie and lauren go first and end up sitting in the backroom with the waitressses since the frontroom is packed, but once andy and i get there after andy's final, we sit on the backporch where it gets rreal cold real quick and then rowie and lauren have to leave not long after getting their food so they can catch the dawson finally thing and andy and eye get our food eventually and gobble it down and head home once we get our check... i think we end up getting chinese food but mine isn't as good as it was tuesday from en lai kitchen(andy and i get from chang's garden) then thursday is interesting indeed..i work from noon to 3 then meet andy at the bookstore and then eye think we eat dinner with jon's gang at friday's for niner's birthday. it was yummy and fun for all, especially phil. we head home and i think andy hangs out with jon's gang but eye go to sneaky pete's with rowie's gang which is cool. rowie and i end up getting chicken at ny pizzeria near cagney's and then head home. Friday is interesting. andy's dad gets in around 845 and we have a nice breakfast at the western diner...then we move him out and clean and go to smokey bones for lunch which is yummy. andy then departs and i end up going to happy hour with rowie, lauren, joe, ampil and bill. it is interesting since there are no tables free so we end up eating and drinking at the bar. we see all kinds of people there, mostly seniors, lots of people we hadn't seen since freshman or sophomore year...then we head to cagney's where we play pool and throw darts and drink and then eat chicken at ny pizzeria and head home. saturday, mom and jen come up and by the time i'm up elliot's gone and we clean a little and then head to smokey bones for one of the best dinners ever (we're talking 4:30). then we head home, pack and clean some more and then we head to the torch night ceremony at the podium which is cool, then we grab some icecream at friendly's on wolf road. i give mom and jen a tour of latham and loudenville (oh and siena college lolers) and then we get home andmom sleeps on the couch and jen sleeps on andy's bed since he was nice enough to leave his room unlocked when he left. sunday, i wake up around 7:30, and matt comes around 8:45 and eye head over to the RACC to assemble for commencement. i run into matt (as in matt and sandy) and then rowie, ampil and mike arrive and we get our pictures taken and then josh comes by and we all end up getting on the same line for commencement(line 1)...upon walking out i realize how cool it is to finally be graduating. i am happy that i don't have to come back here but then during the ceremony i feel a little bad that i most likely won't come back to study at albany. the ceremony is short and sweet then i find mom, jen and matt and we take pics and go to macaroni grill before the big rush and get a table right away. jen gets the sugo bianco and is disappointed that it is a smaller portion than the make your own pasta but i remind her that it has chicken and only costs 7.99 but would cost 9.99 had she made the same thing with the make your own pasta thing...matt gets soup and salad and mom and i get tiratinis which suck and jen and i get blackberry tea which is good other than not having any syrup in it...jen and i get the ravioli for dessert and mom gets chocolate cake (best on earth) and we share it all then head back to the empire. mom and jen stay a little until we fill their car, then they head out around 2 or 3, then matt head out around 4 or 5 and eye am left to fend for myself against the dust bunnies and clothes and crap....finally, about 10 bags later around 10:30, i head out. i had checked out around 8:40 to be sure to not have to come back to hand in my keys, but i went back to the sweet and cleaned up and moved out more...i head home and get up around 10 and matt drops off his stuff he brought home and then i call manpower (they had called while i was in bed about a job this week), so i take the job for this week and get into (i think) the more longterm ibm factory i grab some wendy's for dinner for mom and me after mowing the lawn, and then i surf a little and crash. i get up today around 7:30 (sound familiar?) and then head to manpower at 9 for the 3 day job, but the guy in charge of the assignment isn't there, so they send me home. i stop at b&n for some mags, books and a nice mocha coconut frapuccino, but then mom calls saying manpower called and wants me to come in cuz the boss came back, so i head in and then head to ibm and end up going through maybe 100 boxes of some hardware to make sure everything was labeled. the job was supposed to last through thursday but we finished it in under 3 hours so i'm free for the rest of the week unless they come up with another assignment. hopefully, i'll get to go in friday for testing for the factory, i head to wendy's in wappingers and then head back and hand in my timesheet (the boss added in an hour...) and then i head home and here i am surfing and turfing. looking forward to hanging with matty mo later tonight...