Sep 03, 2004 18:40
So i haven't posted in a loooong time. Not much to talk about really- well thats not true. Not much i WANT to talk about. Been doing a pretty good job of bottling things up atm- guess it comes from living on your own. But down to business.
Played a lot of football recently. And lost most of the time. I'm such a bad loser, it's embaressing. Should really learn to lose with a bit of dignity but its not going too well. And have a really badly bruised foot from some fat fuck stamping on me. Grrr, football is a fine sport but frustrating.
Other down side, i've been seeing this girl casually for a couple of weeks but am getting REALLY sick of it. Someone tell me, why is it the guy always has to call? Went out one time, had a good night, told her to call me if she fealt like going out again. NO call. Fair enough i think. Then i run into a couple of her friends who say she's mad at me because I haven't called her? WTF?? That wasn't part iof the deal honey. I'm not at the stage of life where i can devote time to chasing people who i don't think are that keen anyway so what the hell- knock that on the head. Also we had dinner the other evening and i started thinking how she wasn't that hot- probably not a good sign in a fledgling relationship!
On the good side my two best freinds EVER came to stay with me last weekend. they're like brothers to me really- i've known them both since we were in nursery together- so since we were about 4. Had an awesome night out with them, talked to lots of hotties, danced with a stripper, sang (en-mass) to a barmaid ("I looooooooooove you baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby!") and was flashed by a girl with an uncanny resemblence to Andrea Corr. So a good night in general. Me and my two best buddies were fine the morning after. Sadly my buddy Grayo (also known, on his own insistence, as Lord LoveRocket) did not fare too well and spent all of the next day throwing up. You booze you lose buddy!
And thats aboot it i think. Might start posting more regularly. Might go get a "real" job- the chances of me doing either are slim ;)