Mar 23, 2005 12:35
I worked 8- 4:30 yesterday it was nice not having to work at night for once like i have to do tonight, oh well i get paid and have tommorow off im over it, should be some lovely amount of money as well. I didnt go out last night cause i wanted to write which was good, i was layign in bed last night just thinking and listening to music at like 8:30 and i just got this rush of thoughts and images in my head and jumped up and started writting i felt like my head was having a heart attack, i wrote on for what felt like 30 days but was only 27 minutes, it was just pouring from my head to hands, i was taking so much in at once that i lost track of what i wanted to even write but what came out was exceptional and i love it, my the garage is so ready for the summer and when ryan and kory get back we can finally get more then serious i talked to kory about it last night for awhile hes so confident with this and so am i, i just cant wait to in time make a cd and have my lyrics expressed in musical form and maybee even have my friends sing my songs and put my silly lyrics on there away messages or in there profiles like they do with music that they love, i am so sick of some people (well only one) being such dicks to me about it, i never knock him and what he does and just cause he was never really triumphant in anything to much doesnt mean he has to try and cut my dream down, but enough of that i could explain for hours but your reading eyes can only handle so much and people who i hang out with know who i talk of, its getting warmer which is nice no more playing in the garage till our fingers go numb which is exceptionaly awesome, all i have been doin is thinking alot about everything latley, just alot of random things, mostly girls and music and what i was doing this time last year, obviously in highschool getting ready for spring break (greatest week of my life, so far), also, i havent had a girlfriend since around the end of september beginning of october, and for once it has felt great to not always be in one relationship after another and be able to just breath and not have it as a priority not saying relationships are bad i just think its lame when people have to depend on other people all the time (no offense) but hey everyones diff. some people just like being in relationship after relationship, i mean if a nice girl that caught my attention came around then sure why not ya know?, oh well just some word for thought, but im gonna go do some stuff before work. later