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Oct 03, 2005 14:59

I cannot wait until this week is over with!! I have a test tonight, one tomorrow, and of course, it wouldn't be complete unless I had one on Wednesday as well!! These next few days are gonna SUCK!!! But oh well, it all leads to fall break this weekend!! Woohoo!!!! WHo doesn't love that? I just got back from the Speed Museum. My seminar class took a field trip there this morning...I felt like i was back in high school....but, hey, it was good times! Got to see some really intrigueing stuff. I officially love this class! I never really got into politics or human rights a whole lot, but in this class, it is so hard NOT to give your opinion....the teacher makes it very easy to express how you feel about a certain topic (usually dealing with first amendment and freedoms and all that jazz). It really opened up my eyes to a bunch of things that are going on around me that I had, otherwise, not been aware of.
Anyhoo....it's only Monday afternoon, so of course, not a whole lot to say.....enjoy the rest of the week....cause it always leads to the weekend!! (Good philosophy, don't you think?)
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