Etadpu Yad Dim

May 01, 2007 15:02

I really like starting my livejournal posts with a picture, It definatly gives the reader a good idea of what I'm thinking about.

So what now? oh yeah... I'm sopposed to write something in here... lets see... I have three finals this week and then I'm done with classes/finals... everything. And so it goes...

I'm totally in an electronica/trance sort of mood lately, really chill, really mellow... which is good cause it seems everyone around me is going crazy.

I feel as if I'm walking at a slightly lagged pace while everyone around me runs around frantically, but we're all getting the same amount of work done. I like my style. I like my moves.

I don't know how people write in this thing everyday, I definatly have alot of thoughts, but I wouldn't want to write them down every single day. Plus I think because I update so seldom people actually read mine, even though I don't really mind either way.

So If you havn't already guessed it, my last picture was from the shining, I love that movie.

I'm feeling very artsy, but I won't have any time to do that sort of thing till next week. I can't wait.

In my free time I've been studying Quantum Mechanics and Relativity. I think people know by now that I have odd hobbies. But just think of it, quantum mechanics is science at the subatomic level, and relativity is science at the universal scale. both of these areas of science are very convincing although they don't have a unifying theory so they're not as useful as they could be. Whoever figures that out is a winner in my book.

Also reoccuring themes in the universe interest me. evolution of mind and body, visible and invisible, fate and chance. These are all extremely thought provoking. What if someone told you 99% of the Universe was invisible? that would make beings like us pretty damn special. Why can our brains even perceive these things anway? everything else on this planet can't even comprehend the inevitability of their own deaths. Let alone the mysteries of our lives and our environments.

why do our electrons orbit our protons that piece together compounds that piece together our tissues that piece together our organs that piece together our bodies that piece together our brain that understand the orbit of out planet around our sun that orbits our spiral galaxy?

what about planets that don't orbit? what if a galaxy was stagnant? would everything inside reflect that same system?

I envy Q from Star Trek. Most people think it's a stupid sci fi show and it's viewers are a bunch of nerds but let me assure you, that show has asked better scientific/philosophical questions than any text book i've ever read.

The other day someone made fun of star trek in front of me and I simple replied with, "What 40-year-old television show that you know of is still on network television more than twice a day everyday?" I win.

Anyway, I thought this was gonna be stupid, guess it could be interesting, you be the judge. comment so I know you're alive.
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