People are People

Aug 11, 2006 14:23

So i've come to the conclusion that the entire world revolves around one person, its true, i see it happen almost every day, for the last six days at least. It all happend around my birthday, i dont know what went wrong but somthing did. I haven't seen my friends in at least seven days, i want to spend every day with them, but its that person makeing the world revolve in such a way that prevents me from doing so, apparently its because im not tolerable enough.

Its funny because we graduated this year and yet we still fight like we just arrived in jr high school. Fighting over a girl, a girl who non the less chose me and not the other way around, I've liked her for several months and have not been able to say anything because she was with someone and this buddy i have also liked her, so i thought he'd be the next guy if she ever left the first guy. So the first guy fucks up, he wants an open relationship that hurts the girl and for about a month she despises this guy, while this is happening me and my buddy are with her, talking with her, disccussing what she should do and we both say dump him, kick him to the curb your ten times the human he is. so she does and my buddy's face just lights up he wants to be with her, she however does not because she values his friendship to much. She tells him this and he's hurt, now here is where i make the big mistake so pay attention. I begin talking to her about everything that happend and she tells me she likes me, now because she told my buddy that she didnt like him i figured i could ask her out because he knew he didnt have that shot anymore, plus he has always been talking about other girls so i thought, "oh well he is a good duy, he must have like four other girls he could impress", and he had been talking to an old girl he used to date which i though he was quite fond of, I was incorrect. My birthday was the last time i saw any of my friends, my buddy dan came in yesturday to irving and told me what he saw and he said he might be calming down and maybe he'll start talking to me again, than i hear another friend is mad because im dateing a young girl now and when he was i gave him a hard time, so what so did everyone else, at least i didn't interfeer with the relationship itself i didnt think she was worth your time and apparently she wasn't because you fucked someone on a boat while you were dateing her so chear up because we've been friends for almost 10 years and im not letting you hate me know because you think im a hippocrite.

So thats what happend, i also hear they pitty the guy she used to date, even though he doesn't desearve it, he preety much slapped her in the face after being with her for almost a year.

But yah, if at any time any of my friends chose to grow up (with the exception of dan and nick) than you know my number and if you dont its 4990850. Call if you want to hang out agian like the boys we were and lets get rid of this stupid anger between everyone.
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