Well, the bike seems to be a lost cause. Everything else is being sorted out.
I'm working with a very unreliable Progressive agent named Ben, who hasn't called me back in two days about when I can drop my car off somewhere. Nonetheless, it'll get done. Eventually.
I was charged with academic dishonesty, and the penalty was a zero on the assignment, which was a 5-point film participation grade so I'm not really fussed. Whew. Big weight off my shoulders.
I nailed my list of 95 maintenance requests to the Waterview door. I expect my washer, shower, window, garbage disposal, kitchen light, and both sinks to get fixed in the coming months.
One C, in Film. I expected lower, what with me conspiring against the teacher and her fighting tooth and nail to have me fail. To her dismay, Judicial Affairs gave me a reasonable punishment.
I fought the law, and there was a tie.