"All of which is to say, look up the word suffrage in the dictionary. In mine, after noting the main meanings - the privilege of voting, the 'exercise of such a right,' the third interpretation of suffrage is this: 'a short intercessory prayer.' Isn't that beautiful? And true? For what is voting if not a kind of prayer, and what are prayers if not declarations of hope and desire?"
- Sarah Vowell, The Partly Cloudy Patriot
So the slim majority of the Virginia electorate "prayed" yesterday for Tim Kaine to win. I couldn't have eased out a greater sigh of relief. It's representative of the fact that even in Virginia and with the direct support of Bush (who appeared in Richmond on Monday) that Republicans cannot take over the will of free-thinking people, even in a traditionally socially and economically conservative state. I've met Kaine. I've seen him work. I have faith that Virginia will be an even better place to live in the next several years.
Way to go Tim. You rule.
In other news, I may be moving out of my old high school-era room in my parent's basement for (gasp) a room at my best friend's house only a block away. Not necessarily jumping out of my comfort zone, but it's a jump, and being that my options are limited, i couldn't ask for a better situation or housemates. ETD is this Saturday, provided that all the creases get ironed out, and any help moving would be greatly appreciated. *a-hem!*
My cold seems to be quickly going away, thanks to water, dayquil, Kristi's echinacea and zinc, and Janice. No thanks to work and the unending lines of customers that I secretly want to kill, especially the ones that show up at 10:55pm.
I was living in a tenament in some large city, and I found some odd sort of decorative wooden horn with a bell that swiveled for no apparent reason. I was hanging out on the small balcony trying unsuccessfully to play it, which coincided with another guy coming outside to play the biggest shofar I'd ever seen. My horn was louder though. Janice was in the dream too, and I had to explain to her what a shofar is, but she didn't get it, much like I don't get what the dream was all about. Anyway, a lot of Jewish people started walking down the street to go to temple, and then other things happened. My dreams don't make any sense.
P.S. I also forgot to mention that I got promoted to Gefreiter, which is scary and exciting on a lot of levels.