I ran across
this little gem of an article today, and was flabbergasted that someone this obtuse could be placed in any position of power whatsoever. Someone who avers they are "hardcore pro-life" and their once-centrist running mate is now supporting "a constitutional amendment banning abortions."
Behold her brilliant eloquence, regarding McCain's anti-abortion stance: "John McCain is solidly there on those solid planks in our platform that build the right agenda for America."
And I solidly feel like running your cute little face into a solid brick wall...
Seriously. Palin is the kind of person that symbolizes everything that is wrong with this country - misusing public funds for her own personal gain, trucking around Alaska in SUVs and snowmobiles when her constituency can barely afford gasoline, dangerously jeopardizing the great strides this country has made in gender equality over the past 50 years...the list goes on.
Jon Stewart says it best: "I've never seen someone with a greater disparity between how cute they sound when they're saying something and how terrible what they're saying is."
So for now we wait to see how much further she can prove her incompetence. Perhaps one day soon American politics will find its own
Ségolène Royal, but we are probably not that lucky.