My last post didn't really cover much of the holidays that I spent with my immediate family, which, in summation, involved A LOT OF EATING. I mean, not as much gluttony* as say Thanksgiving, but it was close. We did the big Christmas Eve dinner that was always a favorite of my late grandfather, and the Christmas day get-up-ass-early-'cause-it's-time-to-open-presents that was always a favorite of MINE. The sister was unable to motivate herself from the bed until well after 10am thanks to the
Australian Death Virus, but other than that Christmas Day went smoothly enough**. Everyone seemed to get things they liked. I was particularly happy that my mom loved the coat I bought her, and I was very surprised and stoked to get an "official"
Big Lebowski bowling shirt from my old man.
I spent the night at home with Kelly, trying to make up for the fact that she didn't have anyone to hang out with for Christmas. I like Thanksgiving much more, because it's a lot easier to include non-family in the festivities - Christmas gets a lot more personal and family-focused.
After posting the last entry, making coffee, and organizing some snacks, I jumped in the car at 0855 for my long trip up to New Jersey. It was a gorgeous drive - not too cold, not too rainy, and I was able to do a 6.5-hour trip in 5.75 hours. No way was I exceeding the speed limit at all...
I stopped once for a gas break at a Wawa outside of Allentown, PA, and that also had a lot to do with the good timing.
I got to West C. early enough to run into the female relatives stopping by the grandparents'. Normally we all have dinner there on the night of the 26th, but because of the absence of the rest of my family, things were getting moved around. Instead, I sat in the basement with my granddad for the rest of the afternoon, catching up on things, drinking beer, and eating herring like the good Swedes we are. I went over to my cousins' house in neighboring V. for a dinner of Swedish meatballs and assorted leftovers, dessert, and a rousing two games of Celebrity. It was noted that a) my Uncle Dave is afraid of charades, and b) my cousin Kara does an amazing job of chronicling Tom Cruise's life work via interpretive dance.
Now that I got myself to New Jersey, I need to take a break, but I will return with stories about Christmas 2007 Part II, Chistmas 2007 Part III, partying North Jersey-style, New York City, and yes, even a dramatic re-telling of visiting the one-and-only Miss Caustic Cupcake. Be amazed!
*My favorite of the
seven dealy sins.
**With the exception of my roommate, in her infinite wisdom, locking herself out of the apartment and deciding that the best way back inside was to bash out the back door window, which is also [conveniently] the door right into my bedroom. I love her, but the compulsion to strangle both her and her dog waxes and wanes on a dialy basis. I now know what it feels like to be a parent...