Aug 27, 2005 11:12

57 Reasons why this summer KICKED ass...
  1. My friend "easter bunny"
  2. i learned how to shoot a gun!
  3. camping at lizzy's onthe last day of school
  4. Skinny dipping at liz's (bad idea)
  5. seeing greg run (hop) up the stairs to see us skinny dip ( he had the boot on)
  6. Bonfires
  8. going to 7-11 on 7-11
  9. how we kept refilling our FREE slirpee's ^^ cause we're cheap
  10. doing flyers at Toarmina's (ok this sucked but it's the first time i used a time card!)
  11. Chris' blow updoll, Mr. Alien from the cherry fest
  12. getting told that i'd go to jail !!
  13. Jet skiing in lake michigan
  14. "What happens in the hot tub, stays in the hot tub!"
  15. The GANG!
  16. taking the boat out alone
  17. your mom
  18. indian river
  19. prece & i having a group of 14 & 15 year old boys stalk us
  20. getting hit on by a homeless guy
  21. having someone whose always there for ME ( yeah i'm WAY selfish)
  22. Jayno
  23. Ben's house! (BEN! get your hand OFF of caprice's BREAST!!)
  24. hanging out with they guys
  25. and being the ony girl sometimes
  26. backflips when jeff throws me in the pool
  27. Mountian Biking for the first time
  28. my battle scars
  29. driving to and from colorado twice
  30. Dream Cruise
  31. camping!
  32. dragging aust behind the kyak
  33. 7 people showering in 1 shower at the same time! :-0
  34. baths in the lake
  35. frosting fight
  36. close calls
  37. jax lizzy prece & i all sleeping in 1 big bed
  38. my girls!
  39. sport way
  40. shaving jeff (HAHAHHAHAHA)
  41. tubing
  42. seeing 4 firework shows
  43. learning what a CHACH means
  44. trying to think of all the chaches we know
  45. washing my hair in lizzys pool
  46. whoreing on a street corner
  47. haha im joking
  48. figuring shit out
  49. learning so much about myself
  50. having the love of my life!!!!!!!!
  51. seeing movies (wedding crashers twice!)
  52. the drive in
  53. my mom taking ALL summer to fix jeff's shorts
  54. your dad's half cousin twice removed
  55. rain storms
  57. all of my awesome friends. thanks guys for making this summer the BEST!

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