A brief fic rec before I have to go and do a million things to get the house clean and be able to eat for the next week. Damn weekend chores, why can't I just sleep?!
allheadybooks is my hero forever because she wrote the most gorgeous Kono/Jenna story, and it has made my life:
Girl's Night (Going, Going, Gone) "It's good," he assures her, "she spends too much time with the guys. I'm glad she has a friend, you know? She's needed one for a while."
"I'm glad too," Jenna says. She's never in her whole life spent so much time in these stupid, cryptic conversations, wondering what they know and what they know she knows and what she knows they know somebody else might have known, once.
Chin sighs. "She's not talking to me," he says. "Not that she tells me everything, but lately she's really not talking to me. And she's taking risks," he adds, "risks like McGarrett takes, and we don't need more than one McGarrett on this team."
"Right," Jenna says. They round on her garage and Chin stops, rocks back on his heels.
"Thanks," he says, and reaches out to clasp her shoulder. "I'm glad she's got somebody to talk to, anyway." Something about his smile reminds Jenna of her dad and she feels like shit, suddenly, because not only does Kono not have anybody to talk to, she's got something huge to talk about. It's all backwards, and even though Jenna knows it's not her fault, she still feels guilt scuffling shamefaced through her gut.
Go read it, seriously. The writing is absolutely gorgeous, you will love how she's written everyone, and your heart will ache for Jenna and Kono. Read and tell her to never stop writing them.
In other news, I have been trying to make a fanmix for the College AU and work on
seren_ccd's Trek Big Bang casting for two weeks now. And instead of working on them like I'm supposed to, I want to do more remixed A Softer World panels for my fandoms. WHY CAN I NOT CONCENTRATE ON ONE THING? I have the attention span of a jackdaw.