So lately, there is a boy on the bus who looks like a taller, thinner, French version of Alex O'Loughlin with a long black coat and more tousled hair. I have been trying really hard to behave like a mature adult and not make heart-eyes at him every time he gets on the bus or speaks French, but, guys, it is really hard, okay? Look at what I have to work with:
I'M NOT MADE OUT OF STONE, GUYS, AND HE IS SO VERY PRETTY, AND I MAYBE WANT TO MASH HIM A LITTLE. At least seeing him every day makes up for the shittiness of having to work late to make up for that doctor's appointment.
sineala wrote
Coax Me, a Marcus/Esca story where Uncle Aquila plays matchmaker with hilarious yet wonderful results.
He is working with one of the colts, the black one, breaking him to saddle. It is a slow process; Esca has not even dared to ride the animal yet, but merely has the saddle on his back, leading him back and forth, accustoming him to the weight and burden.
It is like how Rome conquers a people, Marcus thinks, and wonders how Esca can bear to do this for them. For him.
He has come closer now, and Esca looks up and smiles at him, a clear and beautiful smile that makes something within Marcus shiver and twist. It is not that Esca is not beautiful, for he is, and it is certainly not that Marcus does not find him attractive -- he has lain in his bed with his hands on himself and Esca's name on his lips more than a few times -- but it is a subject he cannot broach with the man. It is not right. It would still be using him, taking him, degrading him, even though Esca is free now. Especially though Esca is free now; it is farther for Esca to fall. And as much as he wants Esca, he does not want Esca to be less than himself, to be lowered.
There are so many amazing things going on with this story that I don't even know where to begin. It's emotion and humor and Marcus's repression in full force and Esca being sweet and eager and teasing and Aquila being hilariously blunt and so many fantastic details about Roman life and Roman gods and it's all wonderful and you should read it now. It made me all heart-clenchy and flaily from how much they love each other.
Addendum: God, the Eagle fandom is going to do me in just like H50 fandom did.
frackin_sweet wrote
Unbound From Convention, which has the distinction of having Marcus bound in rope as well as bottoming for Esca.
Marcus pulls at his bound wrists, and immediately feels strain at his shoulders that doesn’t exist when he simply stands. So he flexes his forearms to see if the ropes loosen - they don’t; rather, they flex with him. In what little he can move his fingers, he finds that they are actually where the bindings exist, at the fingers and thumbs, their backs flat against each other and bound together, palms facing outward. His hands and arms are useless.
Esca is standing in front of him now, still clad. It makes Marcus more aware of his nakedness, and the fact that his prick is rising before him, hot and demanding.
“Well,” Esca is grinning again. “Clearly you don’t hate it.” He rakes his fingernails very lightly down Marcus’ chest, raising gooseflesh. “You can’t stop me from doing what I want, you know.”
Marcus licks dry lips. “I know.” He feels Esca’s finger travel down the midline of his chest, and his stomach, and then stop. “Oh-“ It’s a shocked sound, as Esca’s finger, wet from his mouth, penetrates Marcus’ navel.
“Oh, Marcus,” Esca whispers. “The things you might let yourself enjoy, if you felt like you couldn’t do anything to stop it.”
My brain is mush. Go read and tell her she's amazing.