Jan 07, 2011 10:44
I am so tired right now that I could literally close my eyes and fall asleep at my desk. Coffee isn't helping; neither are the warm thoughts about my warm bed while watching snow fall outside. Ugh, Friday mornings.
I don't know what this is about, but I want fic about it:
Preferrably lots of threesome fic with Scott taking pictures for his collection and Mena biting his forearms. (Not it.)
Addendum: amy_vic is a fucking rock star and wrote a lovely thing about Scott and Mena and his mouth on her skin. Best flist ever, for serious.
Also, ffffffuck.
I'm still mocking the ring. Because OH MY GOD, YOU ARE RIDICULOUS, SCOTTY. But still so hot.
am listening to Butcher's Aftermath story and my haaaaaaaaart! And okay, I really, really want a showdown between Murphy and Marcone. I imagine it would be the most EPIC battle since Dresden vs The Entire Supernatural World, and Marcone would appreciate a real fight, one without magic or the supernatural, just skill and wit and weapons.
Also, I really just want a knife fight between those two, if only because you know Murphy would channel Harry and say, "You know, Marcone, you really shouldn't have brought a knife to a gunfight." And Marcone would smile politely, probably salute her as an equal, and it would be on.
I may have the most epic girlcrush on Murphy ever. (Also, if we were casting a non-white version of the Dresden Files, Grace Park for Murphy, y/y?)
watched Human Target and AGH, WHY DON'T YOU JUST RIP MY HEART OUT AND DANCE THE TARANTALA ON IT, SHOW? I was all happy that [spoiler] showed up again and we finally had Winston and Guerrero bickering like a married couple again and omg [spoiler] without a hook and Ames is awesome, and then BOOM, THAT ENDING. I just. with that. and the. ILSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Someone needs to write a coda to that episode that puts the pieces of my heart back together again. Because the look on Ilsa's face. The look on Chance's face. My poor wee heart is shattered and I NEED someone to write something to make it better.
Yeah, I'm not getting anything done today. My brain is still back home in my bed, under the blanket, with a sleepy cat beside me.
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