So just about everyone on my flist has been squeeing about Fast Five, which is awesome, but I didn't actually get around to watching the trailer that at least five people posted until I caught it on
sinden's journal a few weeks ago. My reaction went along the lines of "Yay Dwayne Johnson as a federal agent! Yay boys! Yay Mi-- OH MY GOD IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS?"
You guys, I can't even talk about the insane crush I have on Sung Kang, okay? It is HUGE. Like, my favorite part of Die Hard 4, besides John McClane getting himself a cute hacker boyfriend and Cyril Raffaelo taking on Bruce Willis, was Sung walking around with his hair in a ponytail and his hot ass in a nice suit being a fucking badass federal agent named Raj.
And you really have no idea how much I hated that Han was apparently dead at the end of Tokyo Drift. I think I actually shook my fist at my TV when he died. But they brought him back! Somehow! I don't even care if they don't explain it adequately because Han is back and I will be watching Sung Kang be awesome and hot in the next F&F movie.
I know what you're thinking, but, guys, he's really valuable gorgeous. Look!
Not a fan of the hair, but look at those cool little kids!
Seriously, I could stare at his jawline forever.
Dresden Files fic rec:
The Spirit and the Letter by Lightgetsin. Amazing genderswap fic wherein Harry gets turned into a woman and Marcone is never what he seems. Perfect mix of humor, plot, angst, Harry still being totally clueless as to when people want to jump his stupid heroic bones, and note-perfect banter.