Let it be known that
leupagus is a filthy, filthy enabler who also writes really amazing, hilarious snippets of H50 fic. I am posting links to the stuff that she's (and apparently, by extension, me because I talk myself into these things without any help) been writing in her prompt fic entry so that I don't have to look for it every time I want to reread the brilliant bits. And there are a lot of brilliant bits.
Grace and the team at the beach or How Danny Stopped Worrying And Learned How To Love The Wave.
You Can Ring My Bell (Ring My Bell) wherein Danny picks a ringtone for each member of the team. Needless to say, hilarity ensues.
the one where Danny finds out who Turk Malloy is and why Kono is sleeping with him. It's the last line that really sells the whole thing. (I kind of really want to write about Kono's time in Vegas just so I can have Turk say the "I'm an animal in the other 34 states" line. Sigh.)
Steve and Danny go out on a date. And it's really never as simple as that.
Surprise porn! And arguing, which is like porn when Danny and Steve do it.
And now my own snippets, even though I feel kind of embarrassed to be linking to my own work.
the one where Steve lets Grace play with his GI Joes because he hasn't figured out how to glare a five-year-old into submission yet. They didn't teach that in the Navy, okay?!
It's A Dad Thing. It's based on a Bill Cosby routine, which should tell you everything about how brilliant and evil alexandriabrown is.
Right, now I have upload a ton of icons and maybe sell my soul to Alex for being the best ever. ♥, bibi.