Either We're Vain Or We're Broken-Hearted.

Aug 02, 2009 08:25

So I went to the Highland Games in Maxville, ON yesterday. We got lost for an hour on the way in, we stood in the sweltering heat while people made boring speeches, we watched young girls do the Highland fling while a multitude of pipe bands played the bagpipes and drummed and marched in rhythm, we wandered all around the grounds buying things, eating things (I had a bridie! and a cherry Slushie!), looking at swords, eating more things (hello, fudge!), watching the fiddlers start off a ceilidh in one of the buildings, and I am now the proud owner of a shirt that says "Póg mo thóin," which is Irish Gaelic for "Kiss my ass" and it's the most appropriate shirt for me.

I am burned a dark brown, I have bug bites all over me, I have eaten too much food, and my feet ache from walking for four hours. I HAVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER IN MY LIFE.

I came back home for a barbecue and ended up spending the night, which is why I'm on here instead of being back in Morrisburg, so I thought I'd be a dork one more time before I'm gone for the rest of the weekend.

Obviously, this is proof that I should never be bored at work because this sort of thing happens constantly. The Scotty haiku is for annlarimer because she'll get the movie reference and the Spock Prime haiku is for violetisblue because I think she'll like the idea these two sitting down and discussing time travel and how illogical humans can be.

Of all the old shows,
Kirk loves The Flintstones the best.
It had dinosaurs.

McCoy loves candy.
He also loves pie a lot.
Too bad he's dieting.

Nobody knows this,
But Uhura loves watching
Three Stooges reruns.

Sweaters are just clothes.
But Spock wears his constantly,
Missing his mother.

No one believes him,
But Scotty knows that one day,
The zombies will come.

Puzzles are easy,
But Chekov is still baffled.
Rubik's cubes are strange.

Sulu checks his face.
There are no scars anywhere.
Right universe then.

Chapel hates singing.
Uhura shoves her onstage.
Karaoke sucks.

Spock Prime sips his tea.
The Doctor is immortal.
How fascinating.

Or as I say:

Writing haikus rocks.
Haikus about Trek people?
Geekiest thing ever.

star trek fic, trek dorkery, dorkstar

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