Jun 29, 2005 19:47
Reet. So my head is pounding like the beats in a Chemical Brothers song, it hurts to *breathe*, my throat feels like someone is punching it every time I swallow, and if these clients' kids don't stop screaming and running around the office like little drunken, psychotic midgets, I am going to blow the fuck up and take out everyone with me.
Either today's overdose of caffeine is affecting me adversely, or I've caught whatever bug it was that had infected my sister earlier. Personally, I'm leaning towards the latter. Because the thing I need most to enjoy this six-day work week is to get terribly ill two days before my first job begins.
Randomly, thanks to my skeevy neighbors' garbage strewn all over the place, I have discovered that there is a brand of discount cigarettes called Peter Jackson cigarettes. Insert your own Lord of the Rings joke here.
i'm seeck and whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny