Dec 20, 2008 10:55
I'm happy here at Imagicka, and feeling thankful to those that support my little shop. There seems to be a growing feeling of community in downtown Binghamton, perhaps the tough economic times has some benefits. A couple recently bought books here instead of going to Barnes and Noble, because they wanted to shop locally. (They even had a B&N discount card) Downtown businesses are sharing advertising, and seeing each other as being on the same side, instead of competition. We send each other customers, and we are each others customers as well. Expenses are up a little, but my sales seem to be better than last year. As Circuit City, Bad Bath and Beyond, and others look at bankruptcy, Imagicka is healthy.
I have great gratitude to those that shop here. Everyone is buying stuff for the holidays as gifts, and for those that choose to shop with me, I say thank you. To those that have not finished their shopping, what better way to build community than to support those that support true community.
Bright Blessings,
and have a cool Yule