Dusting off the previously unreleased archives

Jul 13, 2009 01:42

I've just discovered some of the stuff that was missed in my absence from LiveJournal.

When we first found out about Lucie being pregnant, I made sure I made regular blog posts about everything. For obvious reasons, I made them private, with the intention that when the baby was general knowledge I would make them public.

Well, here we go, 18 months later, I have finally done it. I feel like some musician or artist that has finally released the project that they've been working on for years and people began to think would never be released.

To save you going through my post posts, I've indexed them all here. If you do look back though, you may notice how my brother-in-law sadly passed away before the family knew. It's something that still touches me to this day. Part of me just hopes there's a place where he knows about Archie.

02/01/2008: http://rob-w.livejournal.com/105293.html

04/01/2008: http://rob-w.livejournal.com/105669.html

05/01/2008: http://rob-w.livejournal.com/105884.html

06/01/2008: http://rob-w.livejournal.com/106124.html

08/01/2008: http://rob-w.livejournal.com/106659.html

10/01/2008: http://rob-w.livejournal.com/107116.html

11/01/2008: http://rob-w.livejournal.com/107278.html

12/01/2008: http://rob-w.livejournal.com/107773.html

13/01/2008: http://rob-w.livejournal.com/107913.html

14/01/2008: http://rob-w.livejournal.com/108099.html

17/01/2008: http://rob-w.livejournal.com/108437.html

25/01/2008: http://rob-w.livejournal.com/108779.html

07/02/2008: http://rob-w.livejournal.com/108999.html

It's a bit sad really, as I stopped regularly blogging about it once everyone knew.

edit: just realised you could just click the 'baby' tag. I knew I did that for a reason. D'oh. Could have saved all that copy and pasting and linking.


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