School= Lame. I can't focus on anything these days. Mostly because my brain is preparing for standby summer mode. That's okay, next week is the big test week than it's basically all over for me.
Only 2 more weeks till STAR WARS 3!
I'd post pics of me swinging around my new cool lightsaber, but the damn thing is broken. Near the bottom of the saber the light doesnt come on. Freaking gamestop and their cheap ass merch. Anthony said for me to check back in a week to see if they have anymore anakin ones So I guess I'll have to.
I Gave Alana that wristband I bought her when I got my Vader T. I bugged joe all today about if he saw her wearing it. AND YOU BETTER! its was $4! Sha, that crap ain't cheap ya know? Heh, also I wanted to invite her to go see Starwars with us at the Hoffman Center on the 18th but she never freaking stops in the hallways, she just keeps walking. Well Alana, If you are reading this, I'm buying you a ticket! If you can't convince your parents to letting you go with us to see it I guess I'll just give it to one of my non-Alana Gowens friends. It's going to be so kool seeing Vader kick Jedi ass!
Well, Alana you better respond to this entry unless you can stop in the hall to tell me. Either way I'm giving you the freakin ticket. I hear the Hoffman center rocks, they have huge theatre seating in there. Like 1st and 2nd floors!!! Big Cushy Seats! This will totally own Lowes. That ghetto theatre.
Ah well. Seeing as I can't get you a pic of me with the saber as of yet, I'll leave you with a pic of what I know myself to look like when I'm holding the blade o' blue!