Jul 21, 2009 00:51
I wouldn't have thought it possible if I hadn't read it for myself. The Democratic Party of the United States of America, despite its racial past, has in fact, decided once again to pass laws that are to say the least, an affront to humanity. I would suggest that the Democratic National Committee seriously consider changing its name to National Socialist Democratic Action Party (NSDAP) of the United States. Not a joke. I'm incensed beyond belief. I had the opportunity to read the Health Care bill that has been passed through the House and is awaiting Senate modification and approval. Note too, the Bill is currently 1018 pages in length. The pages of extreme interest, aside from the early pages which make the provision of private health insurance illegal; are pages 425-430. Friends, those pages could have been lifted from the Nurnberg Edicts of 1935. About the only thing those pages didn't cover was whether or not Jewishness was a disease.
One has only to read those five pages and you wonder whether or not someone has decided to time travel. The first provision is the counselling of elderly on their end of life options and alternatives. The second item, frequently overlooked, is the provision to allow parents, guardians and legal wards of incompetents to make end of life decisions. The third item is the broad authority granted to the Secretary of the Department to make final decisions - whether or not the recipients agree with them. There is no appeal.
OK - that was the polite part. Now let me spell this out in very simple terms - under the Health Care Bill that the Democrats are pushing on the citizens of the US - the Democrats have decided that the State gets to determine who lives and who dies. OK - that's pretty much true of most socialized medicine countries. There are provisions for actively counselling euthanasia for the elderly - even those in good health, physical defectives and the mentally challenged. Additionally, legal guardians can make these decisions - and when a person becomes a ward of the State - the State is making the decision -except - it's already been made. We won't see the rolling gas trucks for the mentally ill and mentally defective...a State administered overdose is going to be the legal and proper solution.
WTF PEOPLE!!! Give your heads a shake!! What the hell were the Nurnberg Trials all about in the first place? Is everything that was won then to be thrown away now? State sponsored euthanasia because you're old, ill, defective or otherwise incovenient?? For Christ's sweet sake - why not just set up the camps and the crematoriums and be done with it?
Are you REALLY willing to trust a politician or bureaucrat with the decision as to whether or not you're sufficiently useful to society and let that be the determining factor as to whether or not you live or die? If I hadn't read it for myself, I wouldn't have believed that politicians and their staffs could be collectively that stupid....I truly believed it to be impossible. Goes to show, you can never, ever, underestimate the power of human stupidty.
To my American friends - I wish you luck with this Bill - and if it really should come to pass - I will be more than happy to offer sanctuary from the modern day NSDAP.