The My Soundtrack Meme

Jun 17, 2007 10:10

I just couldn't resist.  Stolen from

My Soundtrack
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool..

so here it goes

Opening Credits:
Nookie (Daffy Duck Remix) - Limp Bizkit

Waking Up:
Right Here, Right Now - Fatboy Slim

First Day At School:
Creep - Radiohead

Falling In Love:
The Stuff - Reefer Madness Soundtrack (Oddly appropriate.)

Breaking Up:
Requiem For A Dream (Lord Of The Rings Trailer Remix) - Clint Mansell  (This sounds like the worst breakup EVER.)

Chateau (From The Matrix Reloaded Soundtrack) - Rob Dougan

Life's Ok:
Sympathy For the Devil (Fatboy Slim Remix) - Rolling Stones  (Hmmmmm.)

Mental Breakdown:
You Know My Name - Chris Cornell (Apparently, my nervous breakdown takes the form of me thinking I'm James Bond.)

I Feel Fantastic - Jonathan Coulton (This really IS my driving song!)

Getting Back Together:
Diggin' Your Scene - Smash Mouth

Wedding Scene:
Down At The Ol' Five And Dime - Reefer Madness Soundtrack

Birth of Child:
In A Gadda Da Vida -Iron Butterfly  (I don't know who I feel worse for--the mother or the child)

Final Battle:
Beethoven's Fifth Gold Digger - Beethoven vs. Kanye West (I am totally setting a final battle to this song.)

Death Scene:
Then The Morning Comes - Smash Mouth (Mrs. V and I both have Smash Mouth songs playing at our deaths?)

Funeral Song:
Reefer Madness! - Reefer Madness soundtrack

End Credits:
My Blanket And Me - You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown  (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  Somewhere, Kelly Kiorpes is smiling.)
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