Sep 02, 2006 06:18
holy dear jesus god. I just watched the most insane "documentary" ever. EVER. It's called C.S.A., and as its postion, it assumes that the Confederacy won the Civil War, and that since 1864, the United States has been the Confederate States. on that premise, the film is a broadcast of a "British Broadcasting Service" documentary on the history of the CSA, from the war to now. it is, without question, the most biting piece of satire i have ever seen. its brutally blunt, questioning the insantiy of slavery by showing what slavery would be like if it had held together and existed all the way to today. its funny at times simply because its so shocking. since the film is a "broadcast" of a documentary, it has commercial breaks. These breaks are used to air commercials for products (that actually once existed in the United States of America) that are advertised in horribly racist ways. for instance, one is for a toothpaste called "Darky", which promises "A shine thats jiggaboo bright." its just insane. its also brilliant. from a filmmaking perspective, its a very difficult project to pull off, and it is done in a way which comes off exactly like it should. while we are shocked by the content of the documentary, you get the feeling that if the BBS documentary were shown to citizens of the CSA, they would find it absolutely normal. that is filmmaking at its finest, and if you have the ability to sit through it, i recommend it.
big post coming in a few days, i may put a preview of it up later on on saturday.