Ten Minutes

Sep 17, 2005 16:08

That is all the tinme I have to write this. I guess you could say this is really an update. Finally finished all the prequisites to get into VBSS school. Visit, Board, Search and Seizure. So I am good to go to become a genuine badass. I'd like to think it's all fun and games, but it really isn't. I take all this real seriously because I'm about to head off into the real world with real bad people that really don't like Americans who board there ships to enforce UN Regulations, check for contraband and smuggled people. Nevermind the possibility is out there that Iran might be trying to get nuclear gadgets, bombs, devices out of the country and one of those ways might be by ship and it might be that the ship I board will have one of those devices. Ultimately I wouldn't mind skipping out on alot of this adreniline rush, but they need qualified good guys. So i guess I gotta do it. Atleast I will have stories to take out of this. That is one thing that every guy that has been in WWII, Vietnam, Iraq and all the other conflicts has told me. All those guys who have already done there time and passed the torch. You will have your stories.

Kind of a tight spot I am in right now. No car and living on the ship equals no social life. Nevermind I am leaving Nov. 4th to go out and see the world. I just wish I could get all this prep work out of the way and get out there, enjoy the hell out of it and get back and start getting on with my life more. Whether it is going officer or putting the rest of my time in enlisted and then getting out and going college. It is funny, but I am anxious to get all the good stuff over with and get to the next stage of life, but when I get there I will wish I was back here. Life is a no win situation sometimes. Always anxious to get ahead, but sad about what you left behind when you get there and all the woulda shoulda couldas.

Studying up for the ACT and Mutual Funds. I went out and bought both the "For Dummies" books for them. Once I get a nice chunk of change saved up I am going to put some money into a mutual fund and here before the end of October I am hopeing to get the ACT taken so I can be more competitive when I go for the officer programs.

Guess that sums up my life right now. Hurry up and wait. Balls to the walls one moment and then the next I twideling my thumbs wondering what to do.

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