Jan 19, 2007 01:18
They are just about asleep. All three of us are in the living room right now and only one of us is wide-awake. The other two are on the couch laid out on either side curled up with blankets and stuffed animals. Scooby-Doo (that knew stuff, it’s no where as good as the original) is in the DVD player, playing episode after episode. The lights are turned off except the bathroom light around the corner, just so no one trips over something if they have to go.
I’ve been really lucky to have ended up in the situation I am in. Not including the time I was on deployment, I have been living with my buddy’s family for one year now. It’s a crazy story how I ended up moving in, but I am thankful everyday that I get to spend here. I won’t lie, when I first came to Norfolk I lived on the ship and it sucked. Just imagine living, eating sleeping at the place you work in cramped quarters with about a mile of base to get through before you even can see something non-military, never mind not having a set of wheels to drive around on. It’s not a hard life, but just getting by.
If you couldn’t figure it out, I was talking about my buddy’s set of twins I was baby-sitting tonight. Great kids, a boy and a girl. Rambunctious and wild and the boy tends to bite sometimes, but they treat me like an older brother and I love it.
I think the difference why I function so much better living with these guys than with my own family is because I choose to be here and that makes all the difference in the world. I’m treated like I am 21 years old and show them the same respect they have shown me.
This whole experience has been a God-send because I can only imagine where/who I would be if I had spent this whole time completely alone in Norfolk. The time I have spent here has made an impact on my life and I just hope when I start my own family some day that I can create a very similar environment to the one I am in now.
Even though I have not spent a great deal of time thinking about my future when it comes to starting a family and majorily planning for it, I do look forward to that day. It is going to be a very happy time in my life when I get to that point not only because I will be a Dad and Husband, but because I know I will be good at it. I have the right tools in my mind to make a great home full of love. I know, I know, it all sounds so sappy, but I bet almost every man would agree with me to some extent on the way I feel.
It doesn’t mean that I am exactly going to be settling down either. Yea, life will get more routine and simple, but just because of the person I am, family life will be an adventure of its own. They’ll be challenges and at the end of the day I will hopefully be able to be proud of the work I have done and the things I have done with/for my family. I can find fulfillment in that.
So, here I am again back in the present. Still a long road to go until I get there and a lot of unknown things in the future on how I am going to get there, but that phase of my life will come soon enough and I am looking forward to it.