So I finished the last of my finals today. Hopefully I did well in my chem and history classes. Now that summer is started (atleast to me anyway), I'm really looking forward to the some of the fun stuff already in store for the upcoming few months.
My 21st birthday is coming up on the 31st. What I have planned so far: Friday, June 1st, Get together at the Rock Room in downtown Mount Clemens (off Gratiot, behind the Emerald Theater) for some boozing. Since you have to be 21 to drink (however you only have to be 19 to get in), and not everyone is 21, I imagine watching me drink would get boring quick. But there's usually a lot of underage people there as well, so I think everyone would be able to have a good time. Also, if you're under 21, you have to pay a 3 dollar cover. If you can't make it, it's cool.
Then the rest of the weekend, I want to go up to don's cottage to have an actual party if it's open by then. Booze, bonfire, lake..
Anywho, I've been doing pretty well lately. The car game has been picking up, and I've been getting a little better as far as guitar goes (still not jam worthy though).
that's about it for now, let me know what you think of those b-day plans.
and now, for your moment of zen:
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