Location: Weyrleaders' Office Time: Early morning on Day 18, Month 4, Turn 4 Players: Roa, R'vain, Ruvoth, Tialith, Vellath Scene: The weyrleadership discusses what they're going to do about Five Mines.
Location: North Weyr Time: Evening of Day 20 to early morning of Day 21, Month 13, Turn 3 Players: Roa, Ashwin, Neiran, Jandor, R'vain, Tialith Scene: Well, it had to happen eventually.
Location: North Weyr Time: Evening of Day 20 to early morning of Day 21, Month 13, Turn 3 Players: Roa, Ashwin, Neiran, Jandor, R'vain, Tialith Scene: Well, it had to happen eventually.
Location: Weyrleaders' Office Time: Late Morning on Day 12, Month 12, Turn 3 Players: R'vain and Roa Scene: The weyrwoman would like to throw herself a one-woman pity party, but R'vain crashes it with a backrub. R'en and Miniyal get discussed at length. Issa gets a mention, Ashwin gets several, and the Headmaster gets both attacked and defended.
Location: Living Cavern Time: Late Afternoon on Day 2, Month 12, Turn 3 Players: Coren (NPC), Issa, Kazimir (NPC), Lexine (NPC), Miniyal, Reyce, Roa, R'vain Scene: A small gathering to welcome a few dignitaries concludes without anybody getting hurt. Physically. The jury is still out on the mental scarring.
Location: Living Cavern and North Weyr Time: After Dinner on Day 6, Month 11, Turn 3 Players: Miniyal, Roa, Ashwin, Sefton, Reyce, Issa, R'vain Scene: Miniyal spills the beans.
Location: Weyrleader's weyr Time: Day 18, Month 9, Turn 3 Players: R'vain and Roa Scene: Roa wants to speak with R'vain, but first she decides she ought to rifle though his personal belongings. Again.
Location: Weyrleaders Office Time: Morning on Day 12, Month 9, Turn 3 Players: Roa, R’vain Scene: Right after Miniyal's visit, the weyrwoman and weyrleader have a great many things to discuss. Miniyal, Ginella, and T'ral all get a mention.