The Bar

Nov 18, 2006 14:13

Located in Tillek, Aramia's Bar doesn't have a clever name. In fact, so far as anyone knows, it doesn't have any sort of name at all. As a large majority of her customers don't read, Aramia has never bothered with a proper sign. What she does have is a large shingle hanging out in front with the image of an ale tankard and a wine glass toasting one another. It gets repainted every turn, in the spring. The natives simply call the place "Aramia's" or "Aramia's Bar". Those particularly loyal patrons just call it "The Bar". While it's not hard, when chatting with the locals, to discover what (besides drinks) is offered at Aramia's, no one ever calls the place anything but a bar. Outsiders who try to do so are met with confusion by those who don't frequent and disapproval by those who do.

Inside, the place is spotless, for a bar. There's an interesting balance. It is warm and welcoming and certainly no high-end establishment. If you have marks, you're welcome in the door. If you can keep a civil tongue in your mouth and your hands where they should be (unless you're paying), you're welcome to stay. The full gambit of alcohol can be found here from common and inexpensive ales and wines to some of the finer and harder to procure hard liquor. For the most part, it's the cheaper things that get sold regularly. Aramia doesn't keep a very big stock of anything that isn't too local or costs much more than the average sailor could pay. Of the fine and pricey drinks, she has maybe a single bottle at a time of any one thing. Basic fare (meatrolls, bread, stew) is also available, though nothing more complex.

There are a few understood and unspoken rules at Aramia's. It's usually advised that the first time you go in, you go with a local, until said rules have been fully figured out. No one will outright say them, but break them and you're out for the night. Break them badly, you don't come back. 'Not knowing' is not an excuse to Aramia. The rules are as follows:

1) You do not refer to the girls as 'whores' 'prostitutes' or any other such term down in the bar. They are 'The Girls' and that's what they get called. Behind closed doors, once you're paying, what's said and done remains between client and woman.

2) You do not grab, grope, pinch, or slap unless you've been given permission. Permission is given in tiny ways. Eye contact. A smile. A nod hello. If you haven't been acknowledged, no touchy.

3) On any given night, there are the girls that are working the bar (the ones with trays and modest dresses), and girls that are working the men (no trays, dressed to impress). The girls working the bar are unavailable for the night. In all ways. Period.

4) Money will only get you so far. If any of the girls are badly frightened or hurt by a client, even up in the room, it's possible said client won't be welcome back. You can do what you like within reason (and reason stretches pretty far), but you can't leave lasting marks and it's generally disapproved of if you leave any sort of mark anywhere that remains visible when a girl is fully clothed.

5) You do not proposition Aramia.

Aramia has no bouncers, but there are usually a number of regulars around any given night that are happy to take care of troublemakers. Most of them are guards under Captain Harley.

All of the girls perform various functions. They waitress, work the bar and serve the men (though not all three tasks on the same night). Aramia's bar is open every night, save that two days a month, it closes completely. Harley usually sends a couple of his men by to make sure no one gets too hotheaded about being denied access to the bar and the girls for those pair of days. It's a coveted job, as the next open night sees those men assigned the task well-rewarded for their efforts. Aramia's has been established in Tillek for nearly fifteen turns, now, so for the most part, her patrons know the routine. It's only new folk or very drunk ones that make any sort of fuss about the bar closing any longer.

The cast of characters to be found within are listed below:

At 50, the owner of the bar is beginning to show her age a little. She is still tall and lithe with good posture. Her blonde hair is gaining grey, but is so lightly colored to start that it's hard to tell. Green eyes are still bright, though there are tiny networks of lines in corners that weren't there ten turns before. There is still something striking about her, something strong and lovely. But there's something faded, too. Something worn and wearing down. Aramia rarely shouts and never swears, down in the bar. She's often seen bartending, and she can flirt and smile with the best of them. She can be a cutting wit, a sympathetic ear, a voiceless server of drinks, or a flirtatious barmaid. Those who frequent the bar know where to draw the line, and so long as one stays on the proper side of said line, there's no trouble. It's known that Aramia has a husband who's a sailor and a son who's a guard. It's also known that it is, in general, a bad idea to get on the wrong side of that line.

If there is any sort of rank or hierarchy among the girls, Seyra is at the top, second only to Aramia. At 21, she came with Aramia from High Reaches Hold 15 turns before. Now 36, she has straight black hair and grey eyes. She's of average height with assets appropriate to her stature. During her off days, or when she's not working, Seyra would be considered average in aesthetic, or perhaps a touch better than. Her strength is that she knows exactly how to play to her strengths, and when she's dressed and working, she's a vision. Seyra is confident, cheerful, and has taken on the job of playing 'mother hen' to all the other girls. If they need a problem solved, they go see Aramia. If they need some sympathy or coddling, they see Seyra. She makes sure nobody's getting too worn by the job, and that nobody's sitting on anything that upsets them. The Girls are a tight knit group, and it's mostly Seyra that keeps it that way.

Kava is a shorter and fuller-figured brunette. She was also one of the first to begin working for Aramia (hired a few sevens after she arrived in Tillek), and at 40, her clientele is slowly waning. Her figure doesn't lend itself well to the pressures of time, and those who are looking for a fun night are usually looking for it with a younger girl. Aramia's been teaching Kava about the bar's books and finances and letting it drop how it would be handy to have someone else around who could do that sort of thing, so Kava knows there'll be a place for her when she retires her wiles in a few turns. She has a good sense of humor and a playful nature, but she doesn't often show it to the customers. Mostly, Kava is known for keeping quiet and doing as asked. Her regulars have some of the more edgy preferences, and she takes them on, no questions asked. It's these men that still seek her out regularly, despite the fact that she's not the young thing she was once.

Blonde, sleek, and ravishing, Darcie knows it and flaunts it. She and Kava asked for work on the same day, but at 34, Darcie still retains all her charms. She's a little bit selfish, a little bit greedy, and a little bit opportunistic. She has a barbed tongue and will occasionally take a jab at one of the other girls, leaving Seyra to smooth ruffled feathers. She likes it when the men argue over who gets her for the night, and she's not above playing a couple of them off of one another so that they have to outbid each other to win her. She knows not to cross over the line. Rumor is she stepped a bit too far once and got herself some serious trouble. It was turns and turns ago, but the loyal regulars who remember it, remember it well. It was the one time Aramia didn't lift a finger afterwards. Darcie and Aramia have a good working relationship, but there is a subtle coolness that lingers. For reasons that nobody but the two of them can understand, she and Kava are very close.

Curly brown hair is Delia's trademark, and while other girls might bemoan corkscrew curls, Delia uses them to get herself attention. Mostly, this is done by piling them high on her head and leaving a single coil to bounce at the nape of her neck. Her regulars like to note that she's far more interesting when her hair is down, but Delia doesn't let it down until she's upstairs and the door is locked. She's another of the first group of girls to start, and she began working for Aramia a few months after she came to Tillek. 33 now, she's a flirt, a smiler, and laughs easily. She treats her job like a game, and one gets the distinct impression that getting marks for her efforts just happens to be a pleasant detail, rather than a driving motivation. It is a persona Delia has worked hard to cultivate, and only Seyra really knows what it's cost her to do so. There's a rumor that she was married once, but nothing's ever happened to substantiate it.

Perri has sweetness in spades, although she's not really the sharpest crayon in the box. Also 33, she began working for Aramia 14 turns ago, and she still looks younger than she is, and young in general. Small, slight, big blue eyes and dishwater-blonde hair all make Perri appear a bit childlike. Depending on the customer, she can play this up or play it down. Among the girls, she has the unpleasant habit of saying things she shouldn't, but it's because she's oblivious. She's wretched at keeping secrets and even worse at realizing what's a sensitive subject and what isn't. She always means well, she's always forgiven, but there are some things one simply doesn't talk about in front of Perri. In many ways, she's out of the loop, but she has yet to notice. There is one area, however, in which Perri is a genius, and that's her job. In bed, she's impressively attuned to her partner and amazingly inventive. The girls have imparted the importance of keeping her mouth closed around customers, and those who have become her regulars have accepted Perri's blunt and clueless commentary as part and parcel with the good stuff.

It is clear from her coloring that Triess is not native to Tillek, although nobody knows just where she came from. Tanned, tall, with reddish-brown hair and light brown eyes, she has an exotic beauty that many of the men find appealing. Triess began working for Aramia 13 turns ago, and at 17 she was the youngest girl Aramia has ever hired. Now 30, Triess has long since come into her own. She is calm, confident, and reserved down in the bar, and those men who win her smiles often forget her station and feel flattered indeed. She has been proposed to twice, although one time the fellow was very drunk. The second was serious, one of her regulars. No one knows quite what happened except that Triess still works at the bar and the regular shifted his attentions to Darcie afterwards. For a while, Triess was the baby of the group, and even now Kava and Seyra seem particularly protective of her. Triess accepts it with a sort of wry amusement, sometimes grateful and sometimes frustrated by their inability to notice that she's all grown up, now.

Though her full name is Ellariona, she won't respond to anything but 'Ella', and those who ask about her actual name get a hairy eyeball instead. Ella has black hair that she keeps short, and dark eyes that can smolder in a number of ways. She's been working at Aramia's for 10 turns, and she's 28 now. She a little taller and a little thinner than average. She's a sassy sort, the kind who, when she's working the tables and not the men, is happy to upend a mug of ale over one's head for getting too fresh. When they banter, she banters back, and she's fond of saying that she gives as good as she gets in the bed and out of it. If Seyra is the den mother, than Ella is older brother, and she's quick to intercede if one of the customers is overstepping. She wasn't taken seriously until one of her punches broke a sailor's nose. It was more the gumption and the aim, rather than the actual damage it caused, that earned Ella a sort or reverent respect from then on. She and Darcie loathe each other. In Turn 3, Ella moved to High Reaches Weyr. She stood for Tialith's first clutch and impressed green Reth.

At 27, Juna has been working for Aramia for the last 9 turns. She is the bar's only redhead, and her hair is -red-. Copper. Orange. She's pale and freckled not only on her face, but her shoulders and back as well. She hates it, but the men who pay for her charms must find it appealing. Juna has green eyes and a shy smile. She is shy overall, and the personality works for her. The folks she mostly appeals to are the ones that are looking to feel strong or useful. Juna needs protecting and looking after, and her clientele are the bleeding hearts, the first-timers, and the generally shy. If Ella and Darcie ever agreed on anything, it's that Juna always snatches up the easy clients when she's working, and they both fuss bitterly when scheduled to work alongside her. Beyond this annoyance, all of the girls like Juna. She's thoughtful and gentle, and despite the job, retains a sort of innocence. Perri, in particular, adores her as Juna seems to be immune to the blonde's social awkwardness and has no qualms about engaging her in conversation.

She joined The Girls 5 turns ago after working six months at another establishment and having a rough time there. Lyren was a friend of Ella's, and Ella convinced her to talk to Aramia about working at the bar instead. Now 25, Lyren is brown haired, brown eyed, and full-figured. She uses her curves well. She's one of the girls that newcomers notice right off, as her aesthetic is archetypal to what most teenaged boys fantasize about. Unattainable figure, except that Lyren is quite easy to attain so long as one has a few marks in one's pockets. She knows her part and she plays it well, but while most of the girls can laugh off the job's frustrations, Lyren harbors quiet resentment. Seyra does her best to set things right, but even she isn't wholly successful. Aramia worries that hiring her was a mistake, but Ella continually insists that Lyren just needs time to come around. At the very least, in the 4 turns she's worked for Aramia, her opinion of the job hasn't gotten any worse. So long as she holds steady, there won't be any problems. In Turn 3, Lyren moved to High Reaches Weyr with Ulric, a guard who transferred from Tillek to HRW.

Fen hates her name, but unlike Ella, she uses it. Or, at least, she owns up to it, asks to be called 'Fen', and makes irresistible pouty faces if the other party won't oblige. Only 22, and the second-newest arrival at Aramia's, she's been one of The Girls for three turns. Her blonde hair is pale, almost white, and her skin is very light as well. Her eyes are big, slanted, and blue-green, and she cuts a lithe and dainty figure. There's is something fey and ethereal about Fen that some men find captivating and others find unnerving. She could have played at being exotic and mysterious, but she is playful instead. She cajoles and flirts to get her way. Her woebegone expressions have even won her a concession or two from Aramia, although only when Aramia was in a particularly good mood to start. She's good at making people laugh and quickly won her way among the Girls by being able to cheer anybody out of any sort of funk. Even Lyren smiles more, now that Fenten's arrived.

Lilana just arrived in Turn Three, a couple months after Lyren and then Ella departed. She is a tall, lithe, tan thing and despite the cooler Tillek weather, Lil always looks as if she's just come out of the sun. She's only 20, but her height and her reserved demeanor make her seem a bit older. She's settling into the ways of the bar, but she feels somewhat overwhelmed arriving among women who clearly have a bond and a routine that she has only recently become a part of. Her looks alone have gained her a few customers already, and if she is not quite as demonstrative with her affections down in the bar as some of the others, there is a sort of gentle sincerity in her words and her actions that the others lack. Or perhaps it's only that she's new.

juna, seyra, lilana, delia, aramia, lyren, darcie, writing, kava, ella, the bar, triess, fenten, tillek, perri

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