Choice of Friends

Oct 26, 2006 20:45

Location: Weyrleaders' Office
Time: Evening on Day 2, Month 9, Turn 2
Players: K'rom and Roa
Scene: K'rom has a couple questions about E'sere and Aivey.

Early evening and just like that, summer has become fall. Sweaters are back, as are boots and hats and gloves. Roa is only wearing the foremost over her shirt and skirt and she is curled up in one of the chairs at the sand table, booted feet beneath her. There are, of course, several hides in front of her. She is reading them intending, head tipped downward, one hand curled around the edge of the uppermost hide on top of the pile.

Yes, early evening when most of the weyrlings are working on straps or thinking of getting an early dinner. Except K'rom who's come here for a purpose, and still being followed by the ever present guard. He seems tired like he's not been getting much sleep, but still is going strong. A light knock at the door as K'rom looks in, waiting for a reply.

The light knock has Roa's head lifting and she blinks once as her thoughts move away from the hides and onto the figures in the door. "Come in, K'rom." her gaze flicks up, to the large man standing just behind and her eyes crinkle a touch. The smallest hint of a smile. "Morley."
K'rom comes in, leaving Morley to stand at the door after he nods at Roa. Moving towards one of the chairs, but not sitting Kie asks, "I have a few questions if you have time, weyrwoman?" Kie smiles and his voice wavers on calling Roa weyrwoman, but she is her permanent now and it is her title.

Roa's lips hitch upwards a little at the title and she rolls her eyes, as if to suggest that she, too, find it all a bit silly. "Please sit, then K'rom, and ask your questions."

K'rom moves to take a seat and smiles at Roa, nodding again, "Well, I was wondering if you could tell me more about Aivey? I heard about another prisoner after Sinopa was attacked and found out that was the prisoner's name. Was she working for E'sere?" A pause then, "I also head that Morelenth was questioned. Can you tell me any of that? Does this mean the trial has started?" So many questions for a young man, and direct as well.

The weyrwoman's hands come up to clasp lightly in front of her as she listens quietly. "I'm afraid that Morelenth's interrogation and the connection, if any, between E'sere and Aivey are not things I can discuss. All of that will be addressed at the trial. Just now, the harpers from the Hall have come, and they're interviewing witnesses and collecting statements. You'll be asked to give one, if you haven't yet. Once that's complete, the trial itself will be held, the statements will be read, and witnesses will be questioned by a harper that represents the Weyr and then the ones who represent E'sere and Aivey." The weyrwoman tips her head a bit. "I can, if you like, tell you what they are accused of. But I cannot say much more than that."

K'rom nods slowly as he listens to what was said, expecting as much and sighing just a little, "Well, the charges would be good, yes. I didn't figure you'd say much more, but I could hope. I'll see when the trial come." Kie waits patiently to hear the charges and smiles just slightly.

A slow nod and Roa begins to list the accusations. "E'sere has been accused of the murders of Leyron and Peria, inciting unrest, ordering the attack on Ulyath's clutch, blackmail, and being an accessory to assault and murder." Here she pauses to pull in another slow breath. "Aivey has been accused of the murder of Lady Sian and Lieutenant Luren. Nine counts of assault include one on the Weyrwoman Sinopa, an accessory to the attack on Ulyath's clutch, poisoning, and the attempted murder of Riann." Roa's smile has vanished. "Quite a list, isn't it?" she asks softly.

K'rom nods slowly as he listens and sighs, "Yes, it is quite a list. So many hurt and so much wrong done. I-I wish I hadn't trusted E'sere as a friend now. I never knew Aivey though....." He sighs again. There is a little bit of concern as he looks up at the Weyrwoman, "What is to become of me? I trusted him and that's how I met Donavon...." Kie seems to be flip-slopping some now, worrying about the others involved and worrying about himself.

"Of you, K'rom? Well, I expect you'll continue on being a weyrling, graduate, and get tapped into a wing. -You're- not in any trouble. Did you think you were?" Roa blinks slowly. "I suspect a fair number of people are feeling that way about E'sere. He had many friends."

K'rom blushes softly, "Well, I wasn't sure if I was in trouble or not. I sort of expected E'sere to say that I was purely to blame for blackmailing Leyron, when it wasn't! So, I wasn't expecting more questions...." Kie chews on his lower lip again, "Well, if I needed proof that he thought nothing of friendship, all I have to do is think of him blackmailing N'ka."

"K'rom," Roa says gently, "all we are expecting from you is that you answer, truthfully and completely, all of the questions you'll be posed during your interview. No more and no less." She lowers her head so she can peer up at the greenrider. "All right?"

K'rom looks Roa in the eyes as he speaks, "I can do that, and I promised to do that." He smiles faintly at the little Weyrwoman and nods, "I'm just a little worried and scared about it."
"Don't be," Roa offers. Her hands uncurl to settle into her lap. "You'll be fine. -I- promise."

K'rom nods and smiles a little more as he speaks quietly, "Thank you, Roa." Kie glances at Morley then and nods, "Well, I don't want to keep you too long. I know you must have more duties being Weyrwoman...."

"Things have been a little bit hectic, yes," Roa notes dryly, "but you're always welcome to come visit, K'rom. As well as anyone else who has questions. Please let the other weyrlings know that, for me."

K'rom nods slowly at Roa as he rises, "I will tell them Roa. I do appreciate you answering what questions you could, I am grateful for that." Unless there's something else, Kie bows a little, saying his goodbyes and heads out followed by Morley.


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