Girls' Day Out

Oct 15, 2006 07:24

Location: North Weyr and Weavercraft Hall
Time: Morning on Day 7, Month 8, Turn 2
Players: Sinopa and Roa
Scene: Sinopa tries to prettify Roa. One must feel a bit sorry for both of them.

To Tialith: Accompanied by the scent of smoke, Citalth's voice is dark and heavy. Mine was wondering if yours had some spare time today. She mentioned a trip, and clothing... Gather preparations.

Smoke meets...weight. A certain languid heaviness that announces and follows the younger queen's mental processes. It sends the aroma settling low, the gravity drawing it down to the floor. She says she could come see yours now, if that suits.

To Tialith: Citalth responds with a fresh wave of dark smoke, though this time an image of Sinopa's weyr accompanies the touch. We shall be waiting.

So it is that after about ten minutes, Roa arrives at the door of the North Weyr and raps lightly on it before stepping inside and peering about. "Weyrwoman?" she queries.

As promised, Citalth and Sinopa are waiting for the arrival of the weyr's newest goldrider. Although the goldrider's hair is, as usual, well styled and neat, her clothing is markedly different for the day's venture. Instead of wearing one of her usual dresses or skirts paired with a scarf or two, she's got on flying leathers and a jacket suitable for traveling between. At the arrival of the other goldrider, Sinopa smiles brightly. "I thought we might pay the Weavercraft a visit," she announces by way of greeting, "They've got a lovely selection there, and quite a lot of fabric to choose from." Citalth waits on the ledge, a pair of straps already secured onto her form. "What do you say?"

Roa, not having expected travel in the plans, is simply in her usual skirt and shirt, although sans toast this time. Her head cants slightly to the side as she studies the other Reachian junior. Or acting senior. "The Weavercraft? Well, certainly, if you like. When it comes to such things, I must bow to your expertise." She makes her way to waiting queen with a soft, "Good day, Citalth," and then pauses by the straps. "Does she prefer it if you mount up first, or if I do? Or does it make no difference?"

"It makes no difference," Sinopa replies, casting a glance over the other weyrwoman and her current attire. "Though we're in no hurry if Tialith would care to accompany us," she offers. It would, at the very least, give Roa the chance to procure warmer clothing, or at the very least a jacket.

"She'd probably like to," Roa muses, "She's never been before." Never. Gone. To the Weavers. Yep. "I'll just be a moment. We can meet you over the bowl." Roa turns and heads back to her own weyr and it is perhaps fifteen minutes before the brief message is sent to Citalth. We circle and wait for you.

Never gone to the Weavers? Ohhh, the sadness. The sadness! With a nod, Sinopa sees Roa off. When next the two goldriders meet it is shortly after Tialith's notification. Pushing off from her ledge, the small dark form of Citalth enters the sky above the bowl, circling a moment before the pair is found. Then Citalth angles upwards, gaining altitude before she levels off. An image of the Weaverhall is broadcast before she blips out of High Reaches... Above the hall she circles slowly, waiting for the appearance of the other gold.

The longer and leaner gold takes a final tour around the bowl before following in Citalth's path and vanishing to reappear over the Hall. Interest tinges thoughts and has Tialith's head tipped to best study the landscape below her Then she wings down to find an appropriate place to settle. The little weyrwoman atop her, now in riding leathers at least, climbs down to stand beside her lifemate as she waits for Sinopa and Citalth.

Citalth descends as well, carefully backwinging for an easy, graceful landing that slowly melts into a crouch that enables Sinopa to easily slip off. Once upon the ground Sinopa moves around to the other side, where she's got a view of the other weyrwoman. With a large smile she gestures towards the Hall, "Shall we?"

Roa peers up at the hall, one hand still resting lightly on Tialith's hide. With a slow intake of breath, she nods. "Yes. I suppose we shall."

Inside, the hall opens up into a wide lobby and then branches off into a series of corridors that lead to this and that room or second corridor or stairway or whatnot. There are some apprentices sooting here and there, and in one corner a Journeyman speaking heatedly with someone who looks to be a kitchen worker. There is a large desk with a receptionist of sorts behind it, ready to direct those who have come for fittings to the correct place, and it is this young woman who looks up as the weyrwomen enter. Roa is give a quick glance, but it is Sinopa who is awarded the gleaming smile. She's a repeat customer after all. "Weyrwoman," the woman croons. "Welcome back, ma'am. How can we assist you today?"

Repeat customer indeed. Sinopa offers a warm smile to the receptionist, sneaking a side glance at Roa. Afraid of a few weavers? Aww. That's... sad, really. "We'd like to get some new dresses for the upcoming Gather at High Reaches Hold," she replies, "Is Master Verrita available today? She does such lovely work, I've always appreciated her dresses." There's a brief pause, "Though if she's not got a moment, I understand. We did come on little notice... Master Kirklen or Journeyman Anita are also excellent dressmakers."

The receptionist's eyes snap to Roa as Sinopa's does, and then move back to her. Each name is given a nod, and one of the apprentices is flagged over. "Jeylin. Go see what Master Verrita's schedule is like today, and if she is unavailable, find Master Kirklen or fetch Journeyman Anita." The boy nods and hurries off. "If you wouldn't mind waiting just a moment, weyrwomen?" The receptionist smiles and then retreats back behind her desk.

For her part, Roa is simply silent. She doesn't look precisely frightened, per se, but one could not really call her at ease, either. Pensive, perhaps.

"Oh, it's no trouble at all. We'll just wait here," Sinopa replies amiably to the receptionist. Her gaze then drifts about the hall for a moment before she looks at Roa once more. The less than relaxed state of the other weyrwoman is noted and she leans forward a bit to converse in a low voice with the other young woman, "Have you ever been here before? What does Tialith think of the area?" Perhaps the acting senior's head isn't completely full of cobwebs if she remembered that Roa's gold is fond of exploring and seeing new things.

"I haven't. I've had a gown fitted, but a weaver was sent to the Caucus for it. Tia?" The smaller weyrwoman cants her head to the side. "She's watching the people come and go. She says that many of them carry rainbow pieces." One brow quirks. "Bolts of cloth, I think. She'll end up wandering the grounds in a bit." It is then that Jeylin returns and murmurs a message to the receptionist. The woman beams and calls, "Weyrwomen! Master Verrita is indeed free and can meet with you. Jeylin here can escort you to her office, if you'd like."

Sinopa nods to Roa. "Most of the time I employ one of the Weavers about the weyr, though for special occasions I'm fond of stopping in here." And apparently there are many 'special occasions' if she spends much time here and has favored weavers to produce dresses. Looking up at the receptionist she offers another warm smile, "Thank you very much." As Jeylin leads the way, Sinopa follows along.

Jeylin escorts the two weyrwomen down the first hall to the right from the reception desk. At about the middle of the hall the apprentice stops and raps lightly at a door that is open an inch before she pushes open the door to reveal a small sewing studio. Along the far wall are a variety of models upon which nearly completed dresses rest. Also along this far wall rests an array of cloth bolts, piled up in the corners and on top of each other. Tables are along the right wall, upon which all the implements of a seamstress rest - needles, pieces in progress, trim, measuring implements, fabric, scissors, and a whole pile of other utensils. However, the left wall is largely empty save for several mirrors, which appear moveable to allow for a variety of views, as well as a pedestal. Inside Master Verrita - an average sized woman in her thirties with mousy brown hair and bright eyes - and two young apprentices are waiting. "Weyrwoman! How nice to see you, again!" she fairly coos, rushing over to see the two, "Ohhhh, and you brought a friend." Her eyes scan the smaller weyrwoman for a moment and she clasps her hands together in delight. "How might I help you, today?"

It is Sinopa who provides both answer and introduction for the new Reachian weyrwoman, "This is the Weyrwoman Roa. We'd like new dresses for the upcoming Gather." Of course.

Um. Yes. Of course. "Pleased to meet you, Master Verrita." Roa offers a small smile and the Master Weaver turns those shining eyes onto the new girl. "Hmmm...gather dresses. Of course. Of course. Let's see..." She paces around the back of the new woman and then to the front again and her eyes meet with Sinopa and widen with a tiny shake of her head. Oh, my but the things that look says. 'Charity case' and 'the poor dear' and 'never been properly fitted has she'. "Now, Weyrwoman...Roa, is it? Why don't you go on over to Paddy over there. He'll get your measurements squared away. And as for you, Weyrwoman Sinopa," and now Verrita is practically beaming, "We just got a lovely bolt of cloth in that made me think of you. A dark blue, a bit iridescent, that I think would perfectly compliment your skin and eyes. Would you care to see it?"

Another weyrwoman is hardly a charity case, more of someone who needs to be shown the light towards improvement and good looks. Sinopa watches Roa for a moment. The other goldrider's discomfort is all too apparent, though Sinopa is barely concerned with her status. Merely watching, that's all. "That sounds lovely," Sinopa replies brightly, "I would love to see it." And immediately Sinopa is yoinked off to a corner where Master Verrita sorts through the piles of fabric at a frenetic pace. "Here it is," Verrita says, thrusting the bolt of fabric into Sinopa's arms. Three other bolts of fabric are also grabbed - a dark mauve, some gauzy fabric, and pale lavender - and thrusted at one of her attending apprentices. Then Sinopa is hauled over to a mirror and the iridescent blue is unraveled slightly and then draped across the weyrwoman's shoulder. "Look at that," she coos, "Lovely. Absolutely lovely. Such a wonderful color for you!" Sinopa tilts her head this way and that, lifting up a corner of the fabric to place it across her other shoulder as well. For a moment she studies her reflection before she nods her head, "A lovely piece of fabric. It'll do splendidly for a Gather dress!" So easily satisfied, yes, but the Master knows her clients well. In the mirrors, the Weaver peers back at Paddy and Roa, gauging the progress that her assistant is making with the other weyrwoman.

Well, Roa has at least been fitted before, so she knows how this bit goes. Arms are lifted and measured. Legs. Hips, waist, bust. Length of torso and so on. For her own part, the little weyrwoman is, as much as possible, avoiding peering into the mirror and simply moving limbs when asked, turning this way or that. Finally, Paddy scurries back to the Master with a list of measurements which she snatches and peers at. "Hmmm..." and then eyes dart over to Sinopa and she beams as her selection of cloth is accepted. "Good good good. It's a summer gather, so something sleeveless, yes? And perhaps a bit of that lavender to accent? It will have a softening effect, I think. And you, Weyrwoman Roa..." Verrita gestures vigorously for Roa to move closer which the girl does. "We can't have two Reachian weyrwomen in blue at one gather. might suit, but bad luck. Bad luck. Purple might compliment. Or black. Mmm...or grey maybe with a bit of color hidden in." She's circling again and Roa simply studies her hands as she waits for the expert to suss it out. "You know, since you're here ma'am, if you were so inclined...would you also be interested in adding a few daily wear items to the list?" Roa's head snaps up, eyes widening. "What's the matter with my--" "Oh, nothing, nothing. Of course. I just had a few items that I thought might look splendid on you. We all indulge in a few self-bought presents from time to time, don't we?" Beam.

At the mention of that bit of lavender, Verrita's assistant steps forward and the bolt of cloth is unfolded carefully and laid next to the slightly iridescent blue fabric. Sinopa ponders the color combination, looking in the mirror while Verrita fusses over Roa. A hand gesture signals Paddy over to the pile of fabric bolts, and the apprentice returns laden with colors. "Come right over here, Weyrwoman," she invites, a hand reaching out to guide Roa over to the mirrors. Sinopa moves aside, though there's certainly plenty of mirror room for all. First Verrita holds up a bolt of soft grey, with just a kiss of mauve in it, to Roa. "Mmmm," she ponders, then snags up a rich amethyst color and holds it up next to the young woman. "Too much," she says, opting for a softer purple color, though stronger than the lavender that Sinopa is currently looking at. At that moment Sinopa interjects. "It would make a lovely color combination. Something with short sleeves would be nice.. though a full skirt."

"I liked the grey one," Roa notes, and is, really, looking more at the cloth draped on her shoulder than she is her own reflection. But, every so often, she does peer into the mirror to nod or shake her head. "Maybe mostly grey with a bit of purple? The second purple, I mean." The amethyst, as the Master noted, was out. "Grey and violet. It could work. yes." Then Verrita is looking back over at Sinopa ad leaving Paddy to putter with the two colors chosen. "Hmm, yes, we could do short sleeves and a full skirt. For her did you mean, or for you, Weyrwoman? Maybe fitted sleeves that stop there..." Verrita hand moves to a spot between shoulder and elbow, "with a bit of the lavender ringing the end and the hem. And maybe some embroidery of the same color in the skirt and the bodice? Paddy, my stylus and my clipboard!" Off rushes Paddy again, leaving Roa holding he cloth for a moment. he returns to press the requested items into Verrita's hands and the master takes them up and begins to sketch design ideas.

In a flash of smooth movements, Verrita has the grey and soft purple against Roa's shoulder and she studies the design further. Sinopa even peers over at the interesting combination and then shrugs at Verrita - not her taste, but if the Master agrees that it could pass... "I was thinking fitted sleeves, though I'd rather my shoulders were bare. Maybe some of those off the shoulder sleeves that I've seen before?" the weyrwoman suggests. Paddy returns with the clipboard, looking a mite exhausted. It's been a long day and few people are capable of keeping up with Master Verrita. Then Paddy takes the colors chosen from Sinopa, depositing them on the work table. "Otherwise the plan sounds lovely. What do you think, Roa?" As if Roa had a clue in the world. Heh.

"What do I..." Roa peers at Sinopa, her gaze darting up and down over the other woman. "I think those off-the-shoulders are becoming too popular," she says simply. "By this gather everyone will be wearing them. What about something on the arm that goes from wrist to elbow, and then leave the upper arm bare? Maybe with a point and a loop so the bottom bit can fit over the back of your hand and your central finger?" Roa holds up one hand, back turned to Sinopa, so her other fingers can lightly outline the general idea. "Might look interesting with a strapless dress. As for me, grey is good. Simple, I think. Clean lines." Master Verrita is sort of staring, slack-jawed at Roa by this point. Then she lowers her head to sketch out what the girl's described and turns it to show Sinopa. "She's right about the off-the-shoulder being requested often," the Master notes softly.

Who would have known that Roa had it in her? "It's such a wonderful cut," Sinopa points out, eyes lighting up as Roa demonstrates that she knows something about dresses and fashion, "No wonder everyone requests it. Though, I do like that idea!" That would be Master Verrita's cue to sketch out a design then for Sinopa, once she's finished with the other weyrwoman. Oh yes, Roa has approval now, or well... she would have full approval if she were to request something besides a simple /grey/ dress. At least Verrita can make anything, even something grey and made with simple lines, elegant and suitable for a Gather. "Don't you think that her dress needs some sort of embellishment, or accent?" Sinopa chimes in... because otherwise it's just so dull. "A sash, perhaps?"

Sash. That has the little weyrwoman's nose wrinkling. "No sash," she says and the Master and Paddy both sort of...sigh. "Weyrwoman Sinopa is right. You can't just have a plain grey dress. It would be..." boring. no fun. dull. "...unsuitable." Roa exhales softly. "Maybe an underskirt from the purple? Or a slightly different cut to the hem? Higher in the front than the back or and diagonal angle from one side to the other. I just don't think I have the height to pull of much complexity." "Oh weyrwoman, that's what shoes are for!" "Oh no..." Roa shakes her head and inches a step back. "I nearly broke my neck at Turn's End when I tried that." And then ended up just breaking her leg instead. Verrita momentarily turns back to Sinopa to add a few more notes to the dress. "I think I have what I need for your gown, ma'am. Is there anything else you're require today?"

Sinopa is an easy customer anymore, but then Verrita knows what the weyrwoman likes and Sinopa is quite familiar with the Master's style. "Oh, that's about all for today," she replies, "Thank you very much." But there's the matter of Roa's dress still at hand... Sinopa shakes her head, "It's not that difficult to manage," Sinopa replies. "You just need to put them on when you get to the Gather." It's much easier than attempting to climb onto your dragon and then dismount. In heels, yes, that is quite suicidal. "We can practice, even," she offers. Heh. Verrita ponders the options and clucks. "A purple underskirt, yes..." she ponders, "With a slit in the hem, perhaps, revealing some more of that purple. We'll stagger it slightly. A sash really /would/ look lovely, some of that purple about your waist, and some of it along your neck. Purple would complement your dark hair so nicely. What kind of sleeves would you like?"

"I don't think I want any sleeves. Just straps," ponders Roa. The rest of the ideas she nods to, accepting. "How about a shawl made of the same purple cloth, and a compromise? A braided belt instead of a sash. The belt can be overlong so the excess can hang down to one side. And the shawl can serve as extra color." Verrita is nodding and scribbling. It may not be her ideal, but it is, at least, better than before. "A bit of embroidery too, around the edge of the outer skirt and the top part of the dress here.." She manages to juggle the stylus and notepad and touch her chest right between collarbone and bust. "We'll cut it a bit low, but not -too- low. Yes...this might turn out nicely after all." Roa glances over at Sinopa. "I'll...see. I'd rather have flat shoes anyhow. Or.." a wistful sigh..."boots." Verrita looks up, with her brows raised. "You're jesting." Paddy looks insulted.

"You can't wear boots," Sinopa states flatly. And for a moment there she thought that Roa might have an ounce of fashion sense in her. "Embroidery that matches the braid," the other weyrwoman interjects. It will all match in some manner. For the moment, Verrita is a bit too stunned by Weyrwoman Roa's concept of fashion. "Boots... they just won't do. We'll find a nice pair of shoes to match." A glance is given towards Roa's feet. "Paddy, did you take appropriate shoe measurements, that we might find a pair of suitable shoes for Weyrwoman Roa?" Paddy continues to look insulted. What was that his Master just asked him? Duuhhh.... wha? "Heels aren't that bad, Roa," Sinopa adds to the conversation. "You just need to learn how to walk in them." Nothing like relearning the whole walking thing, huh? "Or get a heel with a wide base..." she suggests. Compromise?

Huff. Roa's arms cross over her chest. "I know I can't wear boots," she notes a touch sullenly. "I was just saying I find them comfortable. I...woah!" She wobbles a bit, because Paddy has grabbed one foot and is measuring it. Before he runs off for shoes, Verrita leans in and murmurs something in the assistant's ear. Something about 'sweater' and 'outfit' and '...anymore of that one cloth'. He nods and dashes off. Roa peers over at Sinopa with her lips pressed into a line. "Low heel, wide base," is her final verdict on footwear.

What Roa gets for footwear is about to be determined by Paddy, who was still looking a mite insulted. With Roa's luck, she'll end up with some strappy high heels. Poor thing. Master Verrita continues to sketch on her clipboard, the tip of her tongue peeking out at one corner of her lips as she ponders. "How does this look, Weyrwoman?" she queries, holding the sketch out for the woman's perusal. It's a simple dress with straps, braided from the looks of the sketch, that fits to a woman's form, flaring very slightly at the hips before it falls loosely to ankles. An underskirt peeks out from there and is also visible along a slit on the woman's right side. A braided belt with dangly ends wraps around the drawing's waist - the braid matching the straps of the dress and the hem along the neckline. Sinopa steps forward to look at the drawing and nods, "It should work." Should being the key word here, for she has doubts in the other weyrwoman's tastes now. "Low heels... to start with." Oh yes, Sinopa will convert Roa to the faction of heel wearers.

At the very least, Sinopa will try. Although she may have to drag Roa into that world kicking and screaming. The dress design is studied and the little weyrwoman nods. "That looks lovely. Thank you, Master Verrita." The other woman smiles, adds a few final notes, and sets the clipboard down as Paddy runs back in, flushed and out of breath. He's looking rather triumphant, because whet he's holding up are a pair of dove grey, point-toed, feminine, ankle-high, high Really not the sort at all that Roa had in mind. Hence the triumph. "Oh. Well. Those are..." "Lovely!" That's Verrita. What she's reaching for, however, are the things draped over Paddy's arms. Three different items of clothing. A navy blue skirt is held up first. Soft cloth, it's daily wear. "We had something like this made for a greenrider who is close to your size, Weyrwoman Roa. Look." One end of the skirt is pulled upwards and this reveals that the skirt is, in fact, a pair of widely cut pants, the legs big enough that, unless the wearer is moving, they look like a skirt. "Ideal for a rider, you see, because you can do all that climbing and perching without worrying about...well...seems just the thing." Roa peers at the garment with interest.

"Those /are/ lovely," Sinopa agrees, "Though they hardly seem the type of shoes for a summer Gather." Strappy heeled sandals are more what Sinopa had in mind, though Paddy was perhaps thinking of a compromise of sorts, "Though they... might do. Maybe." Master Verrita has eyes only for the clothes at hand, which she takes from Paddy with a gesture. The other apprentice, female, dances over with a large thick cloth while Paddy leaves the room to stand next to the door. "Would you like to try them on?" Verrita offers, the apprentice with the cloth getting ready to make an impromptu changing area for the weyrwoman. Just say the word and the curtain goes up. Heh. "That's a very practical skirt," Sinopa agrees, "And the color is nice, too. It will bring out the blue in your eyes." And go with the dove grey boots.. maybe.

"I suppose I could-" Was Roa finished speaking? Master Verrita seems to think so as up goes the makeshift curtain and the pants are handed to her along with a dark brown tunic that rather resembles the one Roa currently wears in style, although the brown one looks as if it might actually fully fit her. "This one was made for a Lord's daughter, but she decided the color didn't suit. She was a bit younger than you, but of comparable size. And this..." the third item is lifted up, "is the final touch." It's a long white sweater that actually trails down to one's ankles. If one is short. The sleeves are long and bell out a bit from the wrists. There is a single button that fastens just beneath the bustline to close it. "Helps enhance the illusion of a skirt. Here. Go. Try them on." Roa takes the clothes and moves away, although she does note, "No high heels for daily wear. It'll...maybe I'll wear those boots for the gather." And she's vanished behind the 'screen'.

The female apprentice and Master Verrita hold the curtain up while Roa is given the chance to change into the first outfit. There are, of course, the mirrors available for scrutinizing the appearance. Sinopa starts at the mention of wearing the boots to the Gather, though she doesn't press it now. That can be done later. Oh yes, the weyrwomen of High Reaches, fighting over what appropriate footwear is. Heh. Verrita and Sinopa exchange looks, and it's the weyrwoman who shrugs with an expression of - later, later. "We can look at other shoes later... when we come to pick up the dresses we can try some out and find some that match and look well." Roa will be spared that battle for at least a little while longer. "How's it coming?" Verrita queries, still holding the blanket. Come on woman, their arms need blood! Heh.

Thank goodness that battle is missed. Roa might think she's won. Out she steps from behind the curtain, which the apprentice lowers with a sigh of relief. The Master lowers her side just as quickly, though the apprentice is given a glare for that sound. Very unprofessional! Roa looks...well...nice. The clothing miraculously fits. The 'pants' are snug against hips and waist and flare loose down to her ankles. The shirt actually outlines her upper body instead of just hinting at it. And the sweater is an equally appropriate fit, fitted along arms until it bells. When buttoned, enhancing her curves instead of muffling them. Open, it reveals the shirt and skirt and allows them to do their thing. "I can't believe they fit," she murmurs. "That would be because they were mostly made for a twelve-turn-old," Verrita murmurs to Sinopa.

Must not snicker. Must not snicker. Just keep that mantra in your head, Sinopa. The other weyrwoman smiles, in both amusement and approval. "Over this way," Verrita coaxes, gesturing to the mirrors. The bit of cloth is dropped and the apprentice is left to gather it up as Master Verrita adjusts the mirrors to enable Roa a good view from the front but the sides as well. "Those colors suit you," Sinopa chimes in, "And they look nice." More nice clothes are what the frumpy weyrwoman from Telgar need, too. That and nice shoes, though that is, as mentioned, a battle for another day. Although done with her dress order, Sinopa appears not one bit impatient or anxious to leave. She's just leaning against a table there and watching.

The weyrwoman once of Telgar, more lately of Reaches, peers at the mirror and turns slowly, studying the ensemble. "They're a little snug," she murmurs. "Not at all," notes Verrita. "You're acclimated to looser, Weyrwoman, but this is how properly fitted clothes are -supposed- to look." Roa turns sharply towards the master Waver who adds, companionable, "when they're designed to follow the outlines of your body. Which these are." "I...well...all right," Roa agrees with a small sigh. "Thank you for showing them to me. I'll take them." Which is the cue for the blanket to be lifted again so that she can change back.

Sinopa smiles at the other weyrwoman's reaction and final acceptance. Round one of the battle - Sinopa wins. Though round two of the battle is bound to be far more difficult. It's anyone's guess as to who will win that one. "They don't look tight at all," Sinopa tosses in there, "You'd *know* if they looked too tight. Things would... be all bulgy and unflattering." Even on such svelte little things as Roa. The unprofessional female apprentice in attendance holds out one corner to Master Verrita, who takes it up and they hold up the 'shield' - though with Paddy outside it's not as though there are any onlookers or gawkers. Still, it's how things here are done.

This time the wait is briefer, with new clothes held over her arm and old clothes returned to her person. "Thank you again. How long before the gowns are ready?" "Oh...four days, I think. We'll get started on them today, and they should be ready for a fitting by then." Verrita is folding up the blanket now and the apprentice carries it off. "All right," Roa says with a nod. She looks to Sinopa, brows lifted. "Are you ready, Weyrwoman?"

"We'll be back in four days, then," Sinopa replies, smiling warmly at Master Verrita. Once more the cloth is discarded and the apprentice in attendance rounds it up, folding it and calling out for Paddy, who reappears at the door. "We could prepare those for the journey home, if you like," Verrita offers, referring to the clothes in Roa's hands of course. Sinopa stands up straight, no longer leaning on the table as she was before. "I'm ready if you're done here," she replies, dark eyes trailing to Master Verrita for a moment as she waits to hear if Roa needs 'packaging' - merely folding and then a wrapping in simple bit of fabric, which can be 'recycled' by others at the weyr for use as a rag - to protect them from scuff damage and the like.

"Thank you. And if you could tell me how much they are..." "Pah. We'll just add it to the gown, and I'll give you a discount anyhow, since they were already here ad we wouldn't have sold them otherwise." Verrita nods to Paddy who gathers up the clothing and quickly folds and tucks it away into those reusable bits of cloth before returning them to Roa. The little weyrwoman accepts the package with a murmured thanks. Another one is offered to the Weaver. "We'll see you in four days. A pleasure meeting you weyrwoman Roa. Always a delight to see you, Weyrwoman Sinopa." Beam!

Verrita's beams always seem to be contagious, or at least it appears that way for Sinopa manages to return the Master's beam with a brilliant one of her own. "Thank you very much, Master Verrita. I look forward to seeing your latest work." Smooth, oh so smooth. And then, with a brief glance back at Roa, Sinopa exits the door. The pair of weyrwomen are left to find their own way out, though Sinopa is familiar enough with the hall that she is able to navigate them back to the 'receptionist' desk, "Have a lovely day," the acting senior says in passing before exiting out into the courtyard. A heartbeat later and Citalth lands in the courtyard, back from the fringe of the hall's grounds, and Sinopa heads over to her.

Not far behind, offering courteous nods and murmured 'good days' to those she encounters, Roa follows alongside Sinopa. Tialith is...well...not where she was left, but soon comes around from the other side of the building. Roa clambers up and the pair launch into the sky, circling until the other weyrwoman and queen join them. And then, one after the other, they vanish from the sky.


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